Sec. 44.42.055. State public facilities plan.
(a) The commissioner shall develop and biennially revise a statewide comprehensive facility procurement plan for public facilities of the state and its municipalities.
(b) In developing and biennially revising the facility procurement plan, the commissioner shall
(1) request and receive on an annual basis from all state agencies a projection of the anticipated facility needs of the agency for the next annual capital improvement program;
(2) consult with officials and representatives of municipalities, the federal government, interested corporations and other organizations concerning public facility needs in the state;
(3) develop specific facility procurement plans for projects in each of the following categories:
(A) sewage and other wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal facilities;
(B) water source, treatment, and distribution facilities;
(C) solid waste collection and disposal facilities;
(D) hazardous and toxic waste collection and disposal facilities;
(E) electrical generation and distribution systems;
(F) health care and social services facilities;
(G) educational facilities;
(H) transportation facilities;
(I) public safety and justice facilities;
(J) recreational facilities;
(K) sanitation facilities; and
(L) cultural facilities;
(4) prepare recommendations to accommodate the various levels of service identified by state agencies and other parties with respect to the services described in (3) of this subsection, to include
(A) current and future facility needs;
(B) space standards and design guidelines for the appropriate facility types;
(C) maintenance and operations standards for the appropriate facility types;
(D) construction techniques and contracting methods;
(E) facility project budget requirements; and
(F) relative costs of identified alternatives (life cycle cost analysis) including but not limited to the installation and operation of energy systems that are not dependent on oil or gas for water heating, space heating and cooling requirements, and for the generation of electrical or mechanical power;
(5) identify common public facility needs among the various user agencies; and
(6) submit its findings, plans, and recommendations to the governor and to the appropriate state agency to facilitate the development of agency capital improvement budget requests.
(c) In the preparation and revision of the facility procurement plan, the commissioner may
(1) develop and adopt regulations for use in carrying out the purpose of (b) of this section; regulations may not be adopted under this section unless approval is received from appropriate program agencies;
(2) make recommendations on the total capital improvement program to affected state agencies, local governments, and other interested parties and organizations, and to the divisions of budget and management and policy development and planning.
(d) In this section, "public facility"
(1) means a capital improvement within one of the categories described in (b) of this section that is constructed
(A) for subsequent occupancy or operation by the state, a public corporation of the state, the University of Alaska, a political subdivision, or a regional educational attendance area;
(B) by a political subdivision or any private party with the assistance of financial support provided by the state if funds appropriated or paid by way of a grant or loan in advance of construction of the facility, or any part of it, are 50 per cent or more of the estimated costs of construction of the facility;
(2) does not include projects constructed with the proceeds of one or more loans issued by a loan program administered by the Department of Commerce and Economic Development.
Sec. 44.42.060. Grants to the department.
The commissioner may apply for and accept, on behalf of the state, grants from the federal government or an agency of it, or from another state, a foundation, or any person, for any of the functions or purposes of the department.
Sec. 44.42.065. Conservation of energy in public buildings.
(a) The department shall, as soon as practicable after July 1, 1980, and at least once every seven years thereafter, perform an energy audit of each public building.
(b) The department shall include in each energy audit required by (a) of this section recommendations for corrective measures to improve the energy efficiency and to minimize the life-cycle cost of the public building surveyed. These measures may include (1) energy conservation measures, (2) measures involving solar technology and other alternative energy systems, (3) energy management, and (4) maintenance and operating procedures and energy-related modifications. In recommending the corrective measures, the department shall give priority to changes in maintenance and operating procedures over measures requiring substantial structural modification or installation of equipment.
(c) In this section, "energy audit" means a determination of
(1) the energy consumption characteristics of a building, including the size, type, and rate of energy consumption of major energy-consuming systems of the building and the climate characterizing the region where the building is located; and
(2) a determination of the energy conservation and cost savings likely to result from appropriate energy-conserving maintenance and operating procedures and modifications, including the purchase and installation of energy-related fixtures.
Sec. 44.42.070. Limitation on transportation facilities.
The department shall consult with the appropriate officials of other departments regarding environmental risks and economic and social considerations that may arise by reason of the location, design, construction, or reconstruction of a transportation facility.
Sec. 44.42.080. Capital projects funds.
There is created within the department the following capital projects funds:
(1) educational, cultural, and related facilities;
(2) transportation and related facilities;
(3) public institutions and related facilities;
(4) public safety, justice, and related facilities;
(5) health and related facilities;
(6) natural resource development facilities;
(7) general purpose facilities.
Sec. 44.42.900. Definitions.
In this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise,
(1) "commissioner" means the commissioner of transportation and public facilities;
(2) "department" means the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities;
(3) "transportation" or "transportation mode" includes, but is not limited to, the following means of conveyance or travel, including their related or auxiliary structures, facilities, or services: air, rail, water, highway and pipeline.
[Repealed, E.O. No. 39 (1977). For current provisions, see AS 44.42].
[Repealed, E.O. No. 39 (1977). For current provisions, see AS 44.42].
[Repealed, sec. 1 ch 207 SLA 1975. For current provisions, see AS 44.33].
Sec. 44.46.010. Commissioner of environmental conservation.
The principal executive officer of the Department of Environmental Conservation is the commissioner of environmental conservation.
Sec. 44.46.020. Duties of department.
The Department of Environmental Conservation shall
(1) have primary responsibility for coordination and development of policies, programs, and planning related to the environment of the state and of the various regions of the state;
(2) have primary responsibility for the adoption and enforcement of regulations setting standards for the prevention and abatement of all water, land, subsurface land, and air pollution, and other sources or potential sources of pollution of the environment, including by way of example only, petroleum and natural gas pipelines;
(3) promote and develop programs for the protection and control of the environment of the state;
(4) take actions that are necessary and proper to further the policy declared in AS 46.03.010 ;
(5) adopt regulations for
(A) the prevention and control of public health nuisances;
(B) the regulation of sanitation and sanitary practices in the interest of public health;
(C) standards of cleanliness and sanitation in connection with the construction, operation, and maintenance of a camp, cannery, food handling establishment, food manufacturing plant, mattress manufacturing establishment, industrial plant, school, barbershop, hairdressing or cosmetology establishment, soft drink establishment, beer and wine dispensaries, and for other similar establishments in which lack of sanitation may create a condition that causes disease;
(D) the regulation of quality and purity of commercially compressed air sold for human respiration.
Sec. 44.46.025. Fees for services.
(a) The Department of Environmental Conservation may adopt regulations that prescribe reasonable fees, and establish procedures for the collection of the fees, to cover the applicable direct costs, not including travel, of inspections, permit preparation and administration, plan review and approval, and other services provided by the department relating to
(1) agriculture and animals under AS 03.05; food, drugs, and cosmetics under AS 17.20; and public accommodations and facilities under AS 18.35;
(2) certificates of inspection for motor vehicles under AS 46.14.400 or 46.14.510;
(3) sewerage system and treatment works and wastewater disposal systems, and drinking water systems, under AS 46.03.720 ;
(4) [Repealed, sec. 43 ch 128 SLA 1994].
(5) [Repealed, sec. 43 ch 128 SLA 1994].
(6) water and wastewater operator training under AS 46.30;
(7) control of solid waste facilities under AS 46.03.020 (10) and 46.03.100;
(8) certification of laboratories conducting environmental analyses of public drinking water systems or of oil or hazardous substances, or conducting other analyses required by the department;
(9) certification of federal permits or authorizations under 33 U.S.C. 1341 (sec. 401, Clean Water Act).
(b) The department may not charge a fee for a service that is provided by a municipality under a delegation by the department to the municipality.
(c) The department may adopt regulations that prescribe reasonable fees to cover the direct and indirect costs of air quality permit programs under AS 46.14 and may establish procedures for the collection of those fees.
(d) Notwithstanding (a) of this section, the department may not charge a fee for inspection, permit preparation and administration, plan review and approval, or other services provided by the department under AS 03.05 or AS 44.46.020 (5) to a school. In this section, "school" means a public school or private school for children of school age, as defined in AS 14.03.070 , or a head start center that receives federal financial assistance under 42 U.S.C. 9835.
Sec. 44.46.030. - 44.46.050. Environmental Advisory Board. [Repealed, sec. 13 ch 43 SLA 1994].
Repealed or Renumbered
Sec. 44.46.070. - 44.46.110 Alaska Council on Science and Technology. [Repealed, E.O. No. 48, sec. 6 (1981). For current law, see AS 37.17 and AS 44.19.255].
Repealed or Renumbered
Sec. 44.47.010. Commissioner of community and regional affairs.
The principal executive officer of the Department of Community and Regional Affairs is the commissioner of community and regional affairs.