
87 - 88


Resolve: HR001

Year: 87

Source Bill: HR 1

Source Root: HR 1


Establishing a House Special Committee on Telecommunications.


WHEREAS adequate telecommunications facilities and services are essential to the conduct of government, commerce, and private life in the state; and

WHEREAS the future development of the state will depend greatly on the innovative use of new telecommunications services and techniques;

BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives that a House Special Committee on Telecommunications is established to study issues relating to telecommunications in the state; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the speaker of the house shall determine the number of representatives to be members of the committee, and shall appoint the members and designate a member to chair the committee; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the House Special Committee on Telecommunications may meet during and between sessions of the legislature, and is terminated on the convening of the First Session of the Sixteenth Legislature. ’


Resolve: HR002

Year: 87

Source Bill: HR 3

Source Root: HR 3


Relating to the export of Alaska oil.


WHEREAS the foreign export of Alaska North Slope crude oil would provide an incentive for further domestic oil exploration and development; and

WHEREAS further oil exploration and development would enhance the nation's energy and economic security; and

WHEREAS the petroleum industry is presently experiencing severe economic difficulties; and

WHEREAS Japan, Korea, and Taiwan have expressed an interest in purchasing Alaska North Slope crude oil to diversify their energy sources; and

WHEREAS the export of Alaska North Slope crude oil would decrease the federal trade deficit with these nations; and

WHEREAS a Taiwanese company will take first delivery of Alaska Cook Inlet royalty oil in 1987 under an oil export license issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce; and

WHEREAS a Korean company has already begun taking delivery of Alaska Cook Inlet oil; and

WHEREAS it is far more costly to ship Alaska North Slope crude oil through the Panama Canal and to the Gulf Coast than to ship the oil directly to the Pacific Rim; and

WHEREAS under the International Energy Agreement, the United States is required to export crude oil to participating nations in the event of a worldwide disruption of oil supplies;

BE IT RESOLVED that the House of Representatives respectfully requests the United States Congress to enact laws providing for the export of Alaska crude oil, regardless of the oil's point of production within the state; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska Congressional delegation is urged to continue using its best efforts to obtain passage of legislation permitting the foreign export of Alaska crude oil, regardless of the oil's point of production within the state.

COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Ronald Reagan, President of the United States; the Honorable George Bush, Vice-President of the United States and President of the U.S. Senate; the Honorable Jim Wright, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives; the Honorable Robert Byrd, Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate; and to the Honorable Ted Stevens and the Honorable Frank Murkowski, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representative, members of the Alaska delegation in Congress. ’


Resolve: HR003

Year: 87

Source Bill: HR 4

Source Root: HR 4


Relating to an application by the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute for certain federal funds.


WHEREAS the United States seafood industry makes a significant contribution to the United States balance of trade, with its exports for 1985 having been valued to be in excess of $1,000,000,000; and

WHEREAS over 1,000,000,000 pounds of seafood worth $885,000,000 were landed in the state during 1986, making Alaska's fisheries the most valuable in the United States; and

WHEREAS the Alaska seafood industry is losing its markets for frozen salmon in western Europe and for herring and frozen salmon in Japan as a result of unfair foreign trade practices; and

WHEREAS the Alaska bottomfish industry is growing rapidly and the United States must ensure that Alaska has access to foreign markets for pollock and other species; and

WHEREAS the United States government has created the Targeted Export Assistance program (TEA program) to provide financial assistance for commodities that are experiencing market erosion or problems with market access as a result of foreign trade barriers; and

WHEREAS seafood is an eligible commodity under the TEA program; and

WHEREAS the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, on behalf of the Alaska seafood industry, has submitted an application for $3,500,000 under the TEA program to conduct market research and initiate promotional campaigns to regain a market share for Alaska products in western Europe and Japan;

BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives that the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture is urged to approve the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute's application for Targeted Export Assistance program funds in the amount of $3,500,000, which will benefit the nation and the state; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives, on behalf of the entire Alaska seafood industry, joins Alaska's Congressional delegation and Governor Cowper in urging the Secretary to approve the application.

COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Richard E. Lyng, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture; the Honorable Peter C. Meyers, Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture; the Honorable Daniel G. Amstutz, Under Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture; Thomas O. Kay, Administrator of the Foreign Agricultural Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture; William L. Davis, Assistant Administrator of the Commodity and Marketing Programs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture; and to the Honorable Ted Stevens and the Honorable Frank Murkowski, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representative, members of the Alaska delegation in Congress. ’


Resolve: HR004

Year: 87

Source Bill: HR8

Source Root: HR0008


Establishing a House Special Committee on Foreign and Domestic Trade.


WHEREAS enhancing foreign and domestic trade is of increasing impor-tance to the economy of the state; and

WHEREAS the legislature should be well informed about developments in foreign and domestic trade in order to plan for the state's future; and

WHEREAS the state should promote and facilitate foreign and domestic markets for the products and services of the state; and

WHEREAS the establishment of foreign trade zones may be an important part of the state's efforts to diversify the economy and participate in international trade;

BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives that a House Special Committee on Foreign and Domestic Trade is established to study issues relating to foreign and domestic trade; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the speaker of the House of Representatives shall appoint members of the House to serve on the committee; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the House Special Committee on Foreign and Domestic Trade may meet during and between sessions of the legislature and is terminated on the convening of the First Session of the Sixteenth Alaska State Legislature. ’


Resolve: HR005

Year: 87

Source Bill: CSHR2(RLS)AM

Source Root: HR0002


Relating to the University of Alaska community college system.


WHEREAS the community colleges in the state contribute tremendously to the educational and economic well-being of the state and its residents; and

WHEREAS the missions of the community colleges are distinct in the programs they provide for career training and higher education; and

WHEREAS community colleges meet the local needs in their particular communities and regions for specific higher education and maintain open-door admissions; and

WHEREAS the community colleges offer community service courses and activities as well as vocational and technical training; and

WHEREAS Alaska's community colleges are essential human development agencies and integral parts of their communities; and

WHEREAS the community colleges are cost-efficient and productive education units in the state; and

WHEREAS the Legislature, during territorial days, established community colleges in the state through the Community College Act; and

WHEREAS the Legislature, since 1970, has been supportive of legislation to strengthen and develop the unique mission of community colleges; and

WHEREAS the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education has supported in its studies and reports the distinct community college mission; and

WHEREAS a restructuring of the University of Alaska as approved by the Board of Regents does not clearly preserve the identity, mission, and goals of the community colleges; and

WHEREAS the proposed merger of the existing community colleges into new units could significantly reduce citizen involvement, diminish educational opportunity, and jeopardize accreditation standards; and

WHEREAS specific details of the restructure are as yet undetermined and it is not clear that policies essential to the continuation of the mission of community colleges would be maintained; and

WHEREAS continued budget cuts could lead to further reduction in the availability of degree and nondegree courses; and

WHEREAS merging community colleges into four-year schools could potentially lead to students from community colleges competing for seats in courses with university students; and

WHEREAS Alaska citizens have made it clear that they want their community colleges preserved and strengthened; and

WHEREAS public opposition to the reorganization has been evidenced by public testimony, numerous editorials, resolutions adopted by local government bodies, and both private and public interest groups;

BE IT RESOLVED that the House of Representatives urges the Chair of the House Finance Committee to establish a subcommittee to meet during the interim at the call of the Chair to monitor the proposed restructuring of the University of Alaska, to consider methods for improving the quality of and access to public higher education in a cost-effective manner, to study and develop a formula for funding the mission of community colleges, and to report to the full Legislature on the progress of the restructuring proposal and its effect on the community colleges of the state, and to report on recommendations for improving the quality of and access to public higher education in a cost-effective manner no later than the 10th day of the Second Session of the Fifteenth Alaska State Legislature; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the community college mission, identity, and goals as well as the open-admissions policies at community colleges and rural education sites be preserved in the restructuring process; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives urges the Governor to appoint in future appointments at least three members to the Board of Regents of the University of Alaska who represent the interests of community colleges; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the representation of local community interest be continued through existing community college advisory councils and vocational education advisory committees; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the restructuring process include clear dis-tinctions between institutional support services and instructional services, and that community colleges retain instructional services while institutional support services may be combined into the appropriate unit of the University of Alaska; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Regents should not make transfers between fiscal year 1988 allocations for community college instruction and other allocations for instruction, and allocations for instruction should not be reduced to fund administrative costs.

COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the members of the Board of Regents of the University of Alaska; and to Donald D. O'Dowd, President of the University of Alaska. ’


Resolve: HR006

Year: 87

Source Bill: HR10

Source Root: HR0010


Relating to the development of an oil refinery in Valdez.


WHEREAS the House of Representatives strongly supports economic development and diversi-fication; and

WHEREAS Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan had a combined trade surplus with the United States of $81,000,000,000 in 1986; and

WHEREAS increasing trade and cultural exchange with Pacific Rim nations will benefit all of the people of Alaska; and

WHEREAS the City of Valdez is located at the terminus of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System and has a tremendous geographic advantage for fostering additional trade relationships with Pacific Rim nations; and

WHEREAS an export oil refinery in the City of Valdez could provide 1,500 construction jobs for Alaskans and a permanent work force of 200 Alaskans with an annual payroll of over $12,000,000; and

WHEREAS the environmentally sound development of the oil refinery would significantly broaden the state's economic base;

BE IT RESOLVED that the House of Representatives strongly supports the environmentally sound development of an oil refinery within close proximity to the terminus of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System at Valdez.

COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Judith A. Brady, commissioner of natural resources; the Honorable J. Anthony Smith, commissioner of commerce and economic development; and to the Honorable Ted Stevens and the Honorable Frank Murkowski, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representative, members of the Alaska delegation in Congress. ’


Resolve: HR007

Year: 87

Source Bill: HR9

Source Root: HR0009


Relating to the staffing of the U.S. Coast Guard vessel documentation section in Juneau.


WHEREAS U.S. Coast Guard vessel documentation is required in order to obtain financial assistance from a lending institution for a commercial fishing vessel; and

WHEREAS the growing backlog of requests for vessel documentation received by the U.S. Coast Guard office in Juneau is causing some commercial fishermen in Alaska to delay or otherwise alter their plans for the 1987 fishing season; and

WHEREAS applications for vessel documentation are taking two months or more to be processed, and even applicants who pay a $65 fee for priority processing must wait up to three weeks; and

WHEREAS these delays are harming the welfare of commercial fishermen, keeping them from obtaining vessel loans, and lessening their ability to contribute to the state's economy; and

WHEREAS these delays have been caused by U.S. Coast Guard budget cuts and by the departure from the Juneau office of several vessel documentation specialists;

BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives that the Alaska delegation in Congress is respectfully requested to use its best efforts to obtain funding for adequate staffing of the vessel documentation section in the Juneau office of the U.S. Coast Guard.

COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Ted Stevens and the Honorable Frank Murkowski, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representative, members of the Alaska delegation in Congress. ’


Resolve: HR008

Year: 87

Source Bill: CSHR7(HESS)

Source Root: HR0007


Relating to the funding of the emergency medical services system.


WHEREAS federal grant funding for emergency medical services systems to promote and assist non-Alaska Native communities to upgrade prehospital emergency medical services has been dissolved; and

WHEREAS Alaska has more than 2,570 volunteer emergency medical technicians working in more than 114 volunteer provider agencies; and

WHEREAS the provision of emergency medical service prehospital care systems is a responsibility of local government, the Legislature, Alaska Native Health Services, and the administration; and

WHEREAS the quality of service available to a victim of an emergency should be standardized throughout the state, with due regard for the size of the community and the level of service; and

WHEREAS the planning process for ambulance service operation, ambulance service personnel certification, and technical assistance to ambulance services and communities is in place and functioning; and

WHEREAS the Governor is responsible for the faithful execution of the laws; and

WHEREAS Alaska law (AS 18.08) authorizes the adoption of regulations relating to certification and recertification of emergency medical technicians, emergency medical technician instructors, and ambulance and air ambulance services; and

WHEREAS the Legislature is responsible for the promotion and protection of public health and welfare; and

WHEREAS the state office of emergency medical services, division of public health, Department of Health and Social Services is responsible for the implementation of AS 18.08 to protect the public health and welfare; and

WHEREAS the current level of funding and the uncertain distribution of funds for the emergency medical services system inhibit compliance with this law; and

WHEREAS the emergency medical services system is dependent on several funding sources; and

WHEREAS the amount of money allocated to support the state's emergency medical services system is insufficient to comply with the intent of AS 18.08;

BE IT RESOLVED that the House of Representatives respectfully requests that the Governor include an annual appropriation from identified funding sources to provide a basic level of emergency medical services appropriate to each community in the state. ’


Resolve: HR009

Year: 87

Source Bill: HR11

Source Root: HR0011


Relating to the staffing of the U.S. Coast Guard vessel documentation section in Juneau.


WHEREAS U.S. Coast Guard vessel documentation is required in order to obtain financial assistance from a lending institution for a commercial fishing vessel; and

WHEREAS the growing backlog of requests for vessel documentation received by the U.S. Coast Guard office in Juneau is causing some commercial fishermen in Alaska to delay or otherwise alter their plans for the 1987 fishing season; and

WHEREAS applications for vessel documentation are taking two months or more to be processed, and even applicants who pay a $65 fee for priority processing must wait up to three weeks; and

WHEREAS these delays are harming the welfare of commercial fishermen, keeping them from obtaining vessel loans, and lessening their ability to contribute to the state's economy; and

WHEREAS these delays have been caused by U.S. Coast Guard budget cuts and by the departure from the Juneau office of several vessel documentation specialists;

BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives that the Alaska delegation in Congress is respectfully requested to use its best efforts to obtain funding for adequate staffing of the vessel documentation section in the Juneau office of the U.S. Coast Guard.

COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Ted Stevens and the Honorable Frank Murkowski, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representative, members of the Alaska delegation in Congress. ’


Resolve: HR010

Year: 88

Source Bill: HR14

Source Root: HR0014


Establishing a House Special Committee on Economic Recovery.


WHEREAS Legislative Resolve 44 established a Joint Committee on Economic Recovery; and

WHEREAS the work of the House members of the joint committee, through public hearings and committee actions, has been beneficial to the state and is still continuing, though the committee will terminate on the final day of the Second Regular Session of the Fifteenth Alaska State Legislature; and

WHEREAS it is in the best interests of the state that the activities undertaken by the House members of the joint committee be continued until the beginning of the Sixteenth Alaska State Legislature;

BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives that a House Special Committee on Economic Recovery is established, consisting of members of the House appointed by the Speaker of the House, to consider methods of improving the state's economy and make recommendations to the Sixteenth Alaska State Legislature on appropriate courses of action to be adopted; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the special committee is authorized to meet during the interim and is terminated on the first day of the First Regular Session of the Sixteenth Alaska State Legislature.


Resolve: LR001

Year: 87

Source Bill: HJR 8 AM S

Source Root: HJR 8


Relating to reauthorization of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act.


WHEREAS the 99th Congress adjourned without reauthorizing the Surface Transportation Assistance Act; and

WHEREAS the failure to reauthorize the Surface Transportation Assistance Act results in suspension of funding for federal-aid highway construction, rehabilitation, and safety projects throughout the nation; and

WHEREAS over $150,000,000 in new highway planning, engineering, and construction projects are planned in Alaska for 1987 and these projects are necessary to improve the highway transportation system to foster future economic development and to prevent hardship to those employed in the transportation construction industry and related fields; and

WHEREAS the construction season in Alaska is limited to seven months a year and further delays in reauthorization of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act prevent construction of needed projects during 1987; and

WHEREAS Alaska, because of its size and unique environment, is dependent upon federal-aid highway funds for the development of a viable transportation system; and

WHEREAS the present formulas for allocation of federal-aid highway funds take into consideration the vast area of Alaska that must be served by highway transportation and equitably distribute the available funds among the states; and

WHEREAS Alaska is experiencing a severe economic recession and high unemployment and further delays in the highway construction program for 1987 will aggravate the present economic situation;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature respectfully requests the Congress to expeditiously enact legislation reauthorizing the Surface Transportation Assistance Act and to maintain the present formulas for allocation of federal-aid highway funds among the states.

COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable George Bush, Vice-President of the United States and President of the U.S. Senate; the Honorable Jim Wright, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives; and to the Honorable Ted Stevens and the Honorable Frank Murkowski, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representative, members of the Alaska delegation in Congress. ’


Resolve: LR002

Year: 87

Source Bill: HCS SJR 13(SA)

Source Root: SJR 13


Relating to United States Coast Guard reorganization.


WHEREAS the Commandant of the United States Coast Guard has announced a plan to relocate 78 military and civilian positions from Alaska, all of which are currently located in Juneau; and

WHEREAS the plan will have an inordinate effect on Juneau, forcing an estimated 360 people to relocate at a time when Juneau and the state as a whole are suffering from a substantial population loss because of an economic downturn; and

WHEREAS the relocation plan is likely to result in less active enforcement of fishing laws in the intense fisheries of the state, which could have a negative effect on the state's economy and efforts to develop international trade; and

WHEREAS the U.S. Coast Guard conducts vital search and rescue missions for Alaska fishermen and, by its efforts, has saved many lives; and

WHEREAS the fatality rate from recreational boating accidents in Alaska is 20 times the national average, so it is imperative that the U.S. Coast Guard maintain its ability to provide timely response on rescue missions; and

WHEREAS the increasing vessel activity in the Gulf of Alaska, national security interests, and increasing foreign fishing off Alaska all indicate a need for a greater U.S. Coast Guard presence in Alaska; and

WHEREAS the state's geographic isolation from the rest of the nation, unique environment, and vast coastal area make it impossible for the U.S. Coast Guard to cover Alaska from bases outside the state;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature opposes the portion of the United States Coast Guard reorganization plan that calls for the relocation of Coast Guard personnel from Alaska; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature supports efforts by the Alaska delegation in the Congress to keep United States Coast Guard positions in Alaska and to centralize support services in Alaska, rather than in other locations in the United States.

COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to Elizabeth Dole, Secretary of Transportation; and Admiral Paul A. Yost, Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard; and to the Honorable Ted Stevens and the Honorable Frank Murkowski, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representative, members of the Alaska delegation in Con-gress. ’


Resolve: LR003

Year: 87

Source Bill: HCR 7

Source Root: HCR 7


Honoring the 100th Birthday of Ernest Gruening.


WHEREAS Friday, February 6, 1987, is the 100th birthday of the late Ernest Gruening; and

WHEREAS Ernest Gruening was appointed as the territorial Governor of Alaska by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on December 6, 1939, and served in that office until April 10, 1953, during which time he led the effort to bring Alaska forward into the twentieth century; and

WHEREAS Ernest Gruening brought Alaska to the attention of the nation and greatly assisted in the achievement of statehood for Alaska in 1959; and

WHEREAS Ernest Gruening continued this tradition of distinguished service to Alaska in the United States Senate, from 1959 until 1969, where he was recognized internationally for his actions; and

WHEREAS Ernest Gruening continued to deeply care for and work towards the best interests of the state until his death in 1974;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature through this action recognizes and commemorates 1987 as the centennial of Ernest Gruening's birth, and urges all citizens of the state to join in honoring his memory.

COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to members of Ernest Gruening's immediate family. ’


Resolve: LR004

Year: 87

Source Bill: SCR 1

Source Root: SCR 1


Relating to Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.


WHEREAS there are an estimated 9,081 children and adults with develop-mental disabilities in the state; and

WHEREAS these persons have severe chronic disabilities attributed to mental or physical impairment that begin early in life and result in sub-stantial limitations in major life activities such as self-care, mobility, language, learning, and self--direction; and

WHEREAS persons with developmental disabilities need inter- disciplinary or generic service and treatment for extended periods of their lives; and

WHEREAS persons with developmental disabilities often have the capability to become more independent and economically self-- sufficient; and

WHEREAS the services and expertise provided by professional personnel, parents, and concerned citizens enable persons with developmental disabil-ities to participate more freely in education, employment, and community living; and

WHEREAS increasingly more persons with developmental disabilities are living in the community, enabling them to live less restricted lives; and

WHEREAS through increased awareness of these programs, the public will better understand the potential and needs of persons with developmental disabilities;

BE IT RESOLVED by the Alaska State Legislature that March 1987 is designated as "Alaska Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month," and that state and local government officials are requested to observe the month with appropriate programs and activities. ’


Resolve: LR005

Year: 87

Source Bill: HCR 1 AM S

Source Root: HCR 1


Relating to the highway between Eklutna and Palmer.


WHEREAS the highway between Eklutna and the Glenn Highway and Parks Highway intersection is a main artery for commercial and residential traffic; and

WHEREAS during the peak days of operation of the Alaska State Fair at Palmer, traffic on the highway greatly exceeds the maximum capacity of the highway; and

WHEREAS the highway is presently only a two-lane highway; and

WHEREAS the latest annual statistics concerning the daily traffic volume reflect a substantial increase in traffic volume; and

WHEREAS the commercial and residential use of this highway is expected to increase even further;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature respectfully requests the Governor to direct the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to proceed as expeditiously as possible with the Glenn Highway widening, Eklutna North project; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature respectfully requests the Governor to direct the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to continue the emergency traffic control program, as implemented in 1986, during peak days of operation of the Alaska State Fair in order to reduce traffic congestion and hazardous driving conditions on the highway between Eklutna and the Glenn Highway and Parks Highway intersection. ’


Resolve: LR006

Year: 87

Source Bill: HJR 21

Source Root: HJR 21


Disapproving the Local Boundary Commission recommendation for annexation of territory to the City of Dillingham.


WHEREAS, under art. X, sec. 12, Constitution of the State of Alaska, the Local Boundary Commission has presented to the legislature its recommendation dated January 28, 1987, entitled "Recommendation for the Annexation of Territory to the City of Dillingham"; and

WHEREAS a recommendation of the Local Boundary Commission presented to the legislature becomes effective 45 days after presentation or at the end of the session, whichever is earlier, unless disapproved by a resolution concurred in by the majority of the members of each house;

BE IT RESOLVED by the Alaska State Legislature that the recommendation of the Local Boundary Commission dated January 28, 1987, and entitled "Recommendation for the Annexation of Territory to the City of Dillingham" is disapproved. ’


Resolve: LR007

Year: 87

Source Bill: HJR 6 AM

Source Root: HJR 6


Relating to reciprocal competition in marine transportation services between United States and Canadian companies operating in Alaska and the Yukon Territory.


WHEREAS Canadian maritime transportation companies are providing cargo services from Canadian ports to communities in Alaska under a provision of 46 U.S.C. 883 (Jones Act); and

WHEREAS United States maritime transportation companies are prohibited from serving communities in the Yukon Territory under an order issued by the Canadian government; and

WHEREAS the United States and Canada have historically cooperated to ensure that the communities of Alaska and the Yukon Territory are well served by competitive, efficient, and cost-effective marine and surface transportation of goods; and

WHEREAS only practical cooperation between the United States and Canada can assure competitive, cost-effective, and efficient marine transportation services to the communities of Alaska and the Yukon Territory; and

WHEREAS reciprocal and equal treatment under the laws of each country is necessary to ensure that companies of neither country have an unfair competitive advantage; and

WHEREAS the current situation in which Canadian marine transportation companies are permitted to move cargo between Alaska ports while United States companies are prohibited from providing similar service through Alaska ports to communities in the Yukon Territory is unfair;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature respectfully requests the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Transportation, and the Secretary of Commerce to pursue equitable and reciprocal treatment from the Canadian government for United States marine transportation companies seeking to provide services to the Yukon Territory and to take action limiting the authority of Canadian marine transportation companies to operate in Alaska until the Canadian government grants rights to United States companies to operate in the Yukon Territory; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature respectfully requests the Congress to amend 46 U.S.C. 883 (Jones Act) to require that the authority for Canadian marine transportation companies to operate between ports of Alaska is contingent upon a reciprocal grant of authority by the Canadian government for United States marine transportation companies to provide service to communities of the Yukon Territory; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that nothing in this resolution should be construed to mean that the Alaska State Legislature supports amending 46 U.S.C. 883 (Jones Act) in a way that would diminish the effects of the third proviso of that Act; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature respectfully requests the Alaska delegation in Congress to initiate legislation and to seek administrative action to ensure that United States marine transportation companies are accorded the same treatment in Alaska and Yukon Territory markets as are Canadian marine transportation companies.

COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Ronald Reagan, President of the United States; the Honorable George Bush, Vice-President of the United States and President of the U.S. Senate; the Honorable George P. Shultz, Secretary of State; the Honorable Elizabeth Dole, Secretary of Transportation; the Honorable Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary of Commerce; the Honorable John C. Stennis, President pro tempore of the United States Senate; the Honorable Jim Wright, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives; the Honorable Ernest F. Hollings, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation; the Honorable John C. Danforth, Ranking Minority Member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation; the Honorable Lloyd Bentsen, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance; the Honorable Bob Packwood, Ranking Minority Member of the Senate Committee on Finance; the Honorable Claiborne Pell, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; the Honorable Jesse Helms, Ranking Minority Member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; the Honorable John D. Dingell, Chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce; the Honorable Norman F. Lent, Ranking Minority Member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce; the Honorable Dante B. Fascell, Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs; the Honorable William S. Broomfield, Ranking Minority Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs; the Honorable Walter B. Jones, Chairman of the House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; the Honorable Robert W. Davis, Ranking Minority Member of the House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; the Honorable Dan Rostenkowski, Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means; the Honorable John J. Duncan, Ranking Minority Member of the House Committee on Ways and Means; and to the Honorable Ted Stevens and the Honorable Frank Murkowski, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representative, members of the Alaska delegation in Congress. ’


Resolve: LR008

Year: 87

Source Bill: CSHJR 17(L&C)

Source Root: HJR 17


Relating to the use and recording of trade names to designate seafood products of Alaska origin.


WHEREAS the State of Alaska has expended significant financial re-sources through the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute and otherwise to successfully promote Alaska seafood products in the United States and in international markets; and

WHEREAS Alaska seafood resources and the developing Alaska seafood industry are vital to Alaska's economy; and

WHEREAS advertising and promotion of Alaska seafood products by the State of Alaska have contributed to a significant increase in the consumption of seafood products of Alaska origin; and

WHEREAS the advertising and promotion have been designed specifically to promote all seafood of Alaska generically, thereby placing significant value on the origin of the seafood products; and

WHEREAS the advertising and promotion have led domestic and foreign consumers to associate seafood of Alaska origin with cold, clean conditions, free of potentially harmful pollutants and additives; and

WHEREAS some business entities in the United States may try to capitalize on the commercial value of the name "Alaskan" with respect to seafood; and

WHEREAS consumers are entitled to rely on their expectation that products labeled in a manner that suggests they originated in or were produced in Alaska are, in fact, of Alaska origin; and

WHEREAS one purpose of establishing a trade name is to truthfully inform consumers about the nature and origin of a product; and

WHEREAS granting the right to use a trade name that falsely implies a certain seafood product is of Alaska origin is unfair and deceptive to consumers and undermines the purpose for which trade names were created; and

WHEREAS problems that could arise from seafood products sold under a deceptive label would reflect badly on seafood products of Alaska origin, thereby causing great financial harm to Alaska's seafood marketing programs; and

WHEREAS numerous Alaska communities have adopted resolutions opposing the use of trade names that falsely imply that seafood products are of Alaska origin; and

WHEREAS the Entry, Licensing, and Restricted Merchandise Branch, U.S. Customs Service, has denied the application to record the trade name of the Alaskan Seafood Company, an Arizona corporation trading in seafood manufactured in Mexico;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature commends the Entry, Licensing, and Restricted Merchandise Branch, U.S. Customs Service, for its recent denial of the Alaskan Seafood Company application, and respectfully requests that the branch reject any application to record a trade name that falsely suggests that seafood products are of Alaska origin.

COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Ted Stevens and the Honorable Frank Murkowski, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representative, members of the Alaska delegation in Congress; to William Von Raab, Commissioner of Customs; to Donald W. Lewis, Director, Entry Procedures and Penalties Division, U.S. Customs Service; to Steve I. Pinter, Chief, Entry, Licensing, and Restricted Merchandise Branch, U.S. Customs Service; to Tony Smith, Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development; and to Merry Tuten, Executive Director of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute. ’


Resolve: LR009

Year: 87

Source Bill: SCS SSHJR 5(RES)

Source Root: HJR 5


Relating to the reflagging of foreign fish processing vessels.


WHEREAS the United States is making progress toward the goal of full use of the groundfish resources off the coast of Alaska; and

WHEREAS the groundfish processing capacity of United States processing plants has been unable to keep pace with the ground- fish harvesting capacity of United States fishermen, which is supported largely by foreign proces-sors; and

WHEREAS federal law allows foreign processors to "reflag", i.e., document foreign-built vessels as United States vessels; and

WHEREAS the vessel ownership requirements of federal documentation laws are written so broadly to allow foreign processors to retain effective control of a reflagged processing vessel by setting up a token United States corporation; and

WHEREAS several operations involving reflagging are being considered; and

WHEREAS continuing to allow the reflagging of foreign processing vessels would harm United States processors by hindering their efforts to reach the goal of full use of the groundfish resources; and

WHEREAS reflagged foreign processing vessels could destroy Alaskan shore-based processing, which is the economic basis of many Alaskan coastal communities, by invading the salmon, crab, halibut, shrimp, and other fisheries traditionally relied upon by Alaska processors; and

WHEREAS the reflagging of foreign processing vessels could prevent United States processing plants from gaining entry into the foreign market; and

WHEREAS the reflagging of foreign processing vessels would impede the formation of capital in the United States for investment in processing vessels built in the United States; and

WHEREAS the reflagging of foreign processing vessels would be a deterrent to the employment of the United States labor force; and

WHEREAS the North Pacific Fishery Management Council has unanimously endorsed the call for a solution to the significant problem of reflagging foreign processing vessels;

BE IT RESOLVED by the Alaska State Legislature that the Congress of the United States is urgently requested to pass legislation that would prevent the foreign take-over of United States fisheries through use of the reflagging mechanism; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that any legislation passed by the Congress contain a provision that all seamen and fish processing workers on a United States documented fish processing vessel be United States citizens.

COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable George Bush, Vice-President of the United States and President of the United States Senate; the Honorable John Stennis, President pro tempore of the United States Senate; the Honorable Robert Byrd, Senate Majority Leader; the Honorable Jim Wright, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives; the Honorable Ernest Hollings, Chairman, Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee; the Honorable Walter B. Jones, Chairman, House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee; the Honorable Ted Stevens and the Honorable Frank Murkowski, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Repre-sentative, members of the Alaska delegation in Congress; and to Mr. James Campbell, Chairman of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council. ’
