SENATE TRANSPORTATION April 29, 1996 4:24 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Senator Steve Rieger, Chairman Senator Robin Taylor, Vice Chair Senator Lyda Green Senator Georgianna Lincoln MEMBERS ABSENT Senator Al Adams COMMITTEE CALENDAR SENATE BILL NO. 290 "An Act making capital and other appropriations; and providing for an effective date." PREVIOUS SENATE ACTION SB 290 - See Senate Transportation minutes dated 4/9/96, 4/11/96, 4/16/96. WITNESS REGISTER ACTION NARRATIVE TAPE 96-20, SIDE A SB 290 APPROPRIATIONS: CAPITAL & OTHERS  CHAIRMAN RIEGER called the Senate Transportation meeting to order at 4:24 p.m. and introduced SB 290 as the first order of business before the committee. He informed the committee that there was a draft CS that he did not intend to move today. SENATOR GREEN moved that CSSB 290(TRA) be adopted in lieu of the original bill. Hearing no objection, the CS was adopted. CHAIRMAN RIEGER reiterated that he did not intend to move the bill today. He discussed the changes in the CS and pointed out that there are no deletions of any project recommended from the Governor, except those recommended for deletion by the Governor. The capital matching grants are adopted by the legislative financial staff with no changes. The main change is in the allocations. He asked if committee members had questions. Number 058 SENATOR LINCOLN asked if Chairman Rieger had received her amendment that changed what the money would be used for in a community, but not the dollar amount. She gave the amendment to committee staff for distribution. SENATOR TAYLOR asked if Senator Lincoln's amendment merely renamed the designation of the project within a community. SENATOR LINCOLN replied yes. She said that the committee staff just informed her that her amendment was encompassed in the CS. However, she had another amendment that would change the front change section, but not the dollar figure. SENATOR LINCOLN asked Chairman Rieger to explain the changes in the DOT portion of the bill. CHAIRMAN RIEGER explained that there were appropriations that did not have allocations specified. The CS places the allocations in the capital budget. State allocations do not restrict the flexibility to adjust dollar totals, but it provides greater clarity. Number 109 SENATOR LINCOLN noted that a copy of her amendment had been passed out. The amendment noted that the City of Tuluksak had changed to the Tuluksak I.R.A. Council which was identified in the incorrect place in the bill. Tuluksak should be identified in the beginning of the bill. CHAIRMAN RIEGER had no objection to Senator Lincoln offering her amendment for consideration. SENATOR LINCOLN moved Amendment 1. SENATOR TAYLOR objected. How would the amendment comport with the provisions in the operating budget where there is a distinction between a nonprofit corporation and a tribal entity? SENATOR LINCOLN said that Tuluksak would be in the same position as communities that are I.R.A.s and are not nonprofits. SENATOR TAYLOR felt that communities should be treated in the same way in the operating budget as well as the capital budget. If Senator Halford's legal opinions are correct, then there should be consistency. For purposes of receiving the grant, perhaps the name should be changed to Tuluksak Community Nonprofit. Number 159 SENATOR LINCOLN explained that Tuluksak went through a process with the Department of Community and Regional Affairs to become an I.R.A. Council. Anything within this bill carries that forward for all of the communities. SENATOR TAYLOR did not know if I.R.A.s were distinguished or not. If the legislation passes will the Tanana Chief Council have to create a nonprofit corporation to receive and distribute those funds? SENATOR LINCOLN understood that the community would have to establish a non profit entity in order to receive funds. This would fall under the same category, if that legislation was adopted. SENATOR TAYLOR emphasized that this should be a policy decision when the capital budget is structured. He reiterated that there should be consistency. The policy should be clarified before the amendment is added. CHAIRMAN RIEGER informed the committee that the other budgets utilized blanket language in the front. He indicated that it is probably a different set of issues for a grant for a capital item as opposed to a grant to someone to provide a service. Number 214 SENATOR GREEN inquired as to the part that Senator Lincoln referred to that was already included in the CS. SENATOR LINCOLN said that was another amendment. SENATOR LINCOLN withdrew her amendment. CHAIRMAN RIEGER asked if anyone wanted to testify. Hearing no one, the meeting was adjourned at 4:48 p.m.