ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE  LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL    March 23, 2022  7:30 AM      MEMBERS PRESENT  Representative Sara Hannan, Chair  Representative Bryce Edgmon  Representative Neal Foster  Representative Louise Stutes  Representative Cathy Tilton  Representative Chris Tuck  Representative Shelley Hughes (alternate)  Senator Click Bishop  Senator Peter Micciche  Senator Mike Shower  Senator Bert Stedman  Senator Gary Stevens    MEMBERS ABSENT  Representative Claman  Senator Lyman Hoffman  Senator Lora Reinbold, Vice Chair    OTHER MEMBERS PRESENT  Senator Jesse Kiehl    AGENDA  Approval of Agenda  Committee Business Executive Session  Committee Business  Adjourn    SPEAKER REGISTER  Jessica Geary, Executive Director, Legislative Affairs Agency  (LAA)  Tim Banaszak, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology,  LAA  7:34:28 AM   I. CALL TO ORDER    Chair Hannan called the Legislative Council meeting to order at  7:34 am. Present at the call were: Representatives Edgmon,  Foster, Stutes, Tilton, Tuck, Hannan; Senators Bishop, Micciche,  Hughes, Stedman, Stevens.    Members absent were: Representative Claman; Senators Hoffman and  Reinbold.    Eleven members present.    II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA    7:35:51 AM SENATE PRESIDENT MICCICHE moved and asked unanimous consent that  Legislative Council approve the agenda as presented.    The agenda was approved.    III. COMMITTEE BUSINESS-EXECUTIVE SESSION     A. RFP 651-Alaska State Capitol Roof Replacement and IT and  Cyber Security upgrades    7:36:24 AM  SENATE PRESIDENT MICCICHE moved and asked unanimous consent that  Legislative Council go into Executive Session under Uniform Rule  22(B)(1), discussion of matters, the immediate knowledge of  which would adversely affect the finances of the government unit  and 22(B)(3) discussion of a matter that may, by law be required  to be confidential. The following individuals can remain in the  room or online for the Executive Session: Jessica Geary, Sant  Lesh, Tim Banaszak, Megan Wallace, JC Kestel, Emily Nauman,  Serge Lesh, Dan Fabrello, Helen Phillips, Jodie Weller, Bree  Wylie, Shannon Easterly, any Legislators not on Legislative  Council, any staff of Legislative Council members.    7:37:12 AM  Chair Hannan called a brief at ease.    7:39:10 AM  Chair Hannan returned from brief at ease and requested a roll  call vote to enter Executive Session.    A roll call vote was taken.  YEAS: Representatives Edgmon, Foster, Hannan, Tilton, Tuck;  Senators Bishop, Micciche, Hughes, Stedman, Stevens.    NAYS: None.    The motion passed 10-0.      7:40:06 AM  Council went into Executive Session.    8:05:31 AM  Council came out of Executive Session. A roll call vote was  taken to establish quorum. Present at the call were:  Representatives Edgmon, Foster, Hannan, Stutes, Tilton, Tuck;  Senators Hughes, Micciche, Shower, Stedman, Stevens.    Eleven members present, maintaining a quorum    SENATE PRESIDENT MICCICHE moved that Legislative Council approve  the award of RFP 651-Alaska State Capitol Roof Replacement to  Earhart Roofing Company, Inc. for a total contract price of  $1,249,000 out of existing capital funds.    CHAIR HANNAN asked if there was discussion on the motion. Seeing  none, she requested a roll call vote.  8:07:11 AM  A roll call vote was taken.    YEAS: Representatives Edgmon, Foster, Hannan, Stutes, Tilton,  Tuck; Senators Hughes, Micciche, Shower, Stedman, Stevens.  NAYS: None.    The motion passed 11-0.    IV. COMMITTEE BUSINESS     A. SANCTIONING OF CHARITABLE EVENTS    8:08:12 AM  SENATOR STEVENS moved and asked unanimous consent that  Legislative Council ratify the Chair sanctioning of the  following event for AS 24.60.080(a)(2)(B) the Legislative Skits  April 29 and 30, 2022.    SENATE PRESIDENT MICCICHE objected and declined to speak to his  objection.    CHAIR HANNAN asked SENATOR STEVENS to speak to his motion.    SENATOR STEVENS said there was no humorous material this year  for skits and urged a no vote.    8:09:10 AM  A roll call vote was taken.    NAYS: Representatives Edgmon, Foster, Hannan, Stutes, Tilton,  Tuck; Senators Hughes, Micciche, Shower, Stedman, Stevens.    YEAS: None.    The motion failed 11-0.    SENATE PRESIDENT MICCICHE said regretfully he serves  reconsideration of his vote on Legislative Skits and asked if  Senator Stevens would restate the motion.    8:10:11 AM  SENATOR STEVENS moved and asked unanimous consent that  Legislative Council ratify the Chair sanctioning of the  following event per AS 24.60.080(a)(2)(b) Legislative Skits  April 29 and 30, 2022, and would give a reluctant yes.    CHAIR HANNAN said and provide material for the skits.    SENATE PRESIDENT MICCICHE said if Senator Stevens would consider  an amendment to his motion, he would like to add: Sham Jam -  March 26, 2022; Kenai River Junior Classic - August 10, 2022;  Ted Stevens Kenai River Classic - August 17, 18, 19, 2022; and  the Kenai River Women's Classic - September 15, 16, 17, 2022.    SENATOR STEVENS approved the amendment to his motion.    CHAIR HANNAN requested a roll call vote on the motion.    8:11:14 AM A roll call vote was taken.    YEAS: Representatives Edgmon, Foster, Hannan, Stutes, Tilton,  Tuck; Senators Hughes, Micciche, Shower, Stedman, Stevens.    NAYS: None.    The motion passed 11-0.     B. FY23 COMPUTER HARDWARE REFRESH    8:12:16 AM  SENATE PRESIDENT MICCICHE moved that Legislative Council approve  $176,470 for the annual computer refresh, and $146,171 for a  one-time Legislative Information Office (LIO) equipment update.    TIM BANASZAK, Chief Information Officer for Information  Technology with LAA and the Council's IT Subcommittee Chair said  the Subcommittee recommended the Council approve the motion.    The memo before members explains the motion's two requests. The  first is the standard, annual refresh of laptops, monitors, and  printers. The deferred maintenance list is based on a five-year  computer refresh cycle, equipment age, upkeep cost, performance,  obsolescence, and is consistent with the Three-Year Technology  Plan. The list met telework requirements and standardized  equipment to reduce costs. There was a slight shift, from  traditional desktop environment to a laptop model, which are  $200-300 more per device. This shift has helped during the  pandemic and the new telework environment. For cost efficiency  IT leveraged government contracts and volume discounting by  combining Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of  government.    The second part of the motion provides a one-time LIO computer  equipment upgrade that will replace ten-year old equipment that  no longer performed adequately. The LIOs have not been included  in the annual refresh program, and it is recommended to add them  to the yearly refresh budget beginning in FY26. Mr. Banaszak  said he is happy to answer any questions.    SENATOR HUGHES asked why the LIOs have not been part of the  annual refresh.    MR. BANASZAK said traditionally the refresh program addressed  Legislators and staff and the LIO should have been included.    SENATOR HUGHES asked about the cost going forward and whether  it will be roughly this amount every year.    MR. BANASZAK said that this was a one-time fix for ten-year-old  equipment and is anticipating a depreciated expense of about  twenty percent in the following years.    CHAIR HANNAN requested a roll call vote on the motion.    8:17:14 AM  A roll call vote was taken.    YEAS: Representatives Edgmon, Foster, Hannan, Stutes, Tilton,  Tuck; Senators Hughes, Micciche, Shower, Stedman, Stevens.    NAYS: None.    The motion passed 11-0.    V. ADJOURN    8:18:00 AM  CHAIR HANNAN said with nothing further to come before Council,  the meeting is adjourned.