ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE  HOUSE JUDICIARY STANDING COMMITTEE  February 3, 2020 1:48 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Representative Matt Claman, Chair Representative Chuck Kopp Representative Harriet Drummond Representative Gabrielle LeDoux Representative Laddie Shaw Representative David Eastman MEMBERS ABSENT  Representative Louise Stutes OTHER LEGISLATORS PRESENT  Senator Lora Reinbold COMMITTEE CALENDAR  CONFIRMATION HEARING(S): Select Committee on Legislative Ethics Deborah Fancher - Anchorage Joyce M. Anderson - Anchorage Lee F. Holmes - Anchorage - CONFIRMATION(S) ADVANCED PREVIOUS COMMITTEE ACTION  No previous action to record WITNESS REGISTER DEBORAH FANCHER, Appointee Select Committee on Legislative Ethics Alaska State Legislature Anchorage, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Offered testimony on her appointment to the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics. JOYCE M. ANDERSON, Appointee Select Committee on Legislative Ethics Alaska State Legislature Anchorage, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Offered testimony on her appointment to the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics. LEE F. HOLMES, Appointee Select Committee on Legislative Ethics Alaska State Legislature Anchorage, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Offered testimony on his appointment to the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics. ACTION NARRATIVE 1:48:42 PM CHAIR MATT CLAMAN called the House Judiciary Standing Committee meeting to order at 1:48 p.m. Representatives Claman, Kopp, Drummond, LeDoux, and Shaw were present at the call to order. Representative Eastman arrived as the meeting was in progress. Also present was Senator Lora Reinbold. ^CONFIRMATION HEARING(S): ^Select Committee on Legislative Ethics  CONFIRMATION HEARING(S):  Select Committee on Legislative Ethics  1:49:32 PM CHAIR CLAMAN announced that the only order of business would be the Confirmation Hearings on the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics. 1:50:05 PM CHAIR CLAMAN opened public testimony. He welcomed Deborah Fancher for testimony. 1:50:26 PM DEBORAH FANCHER, Appointee, Select Committee on Legislative Ethics, Alaska State Legislature, offered testimony on her appointment to the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics. She stated that she did not have a prepared testimony but would be happy to answer any questions the committee has. 1:50:39 PM CHAIR CLAMAN asked Ms. Fancher to explain to the committee why she would like to serve on the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics. MS. FANCHER answered that she was appointed to the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics three years ago. She said, "I feel like in some ways I was the one that wasn't smart enough to step backward when everyone else stepped forward." She explained that she is a retired teacher and has enjoyed the opportunity to work in legislative ethics. She expressed that the reason she would like to continue serving on the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics is because her first three years had a steep learning curve, and she would like to continue using the knowledge she has gained to serve the public. 1:51:42 PM CHAIR CLAMAN stated that Ms. Fancher was being reappointed to the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics, if it wasn't apparent from the fact she has already served. He asked whether there were any further questions from the committee for Ms. Fancher. Hearing none, he welcomed Joyce M. Anderson for testimony. 1:52:05 PM JOYCE M. ANDERSON, Appointee, Select Committee on Legislative Ethics, Alaska State Legislature, offered testimony on her appointment to the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics. She clarified for Chair Claman that she has served one term on the committee. She stated that her previous position was as the administrator for the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics from 2001 to 2015. She explained that she has a 14-year background working with the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics and feels that her experience adds insight into the committee members. She said that because of this insight, she asked for a reappointment to the committee. 1:52:55 PM CHAIR CLAMAN asked whether there were any further questions from the committee for Ms. Anderson. Hearing none, he welcomed Lee F. Holmes for testimony. 1:53:07 PM LEE F. HOLMES, Appointee, Select Committee on Legislative Ethics, Alaska State Legislature, offered testimony on his appointment to the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics. He stated that he has served one term on the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics and was reappointed by Chief Justice Joel Bolger. He expressed his belief that people need to give back to their communities; therefore, he has served on several municipal and charitable committees throughout the years. He added that this was his opportunity to give back at the state level, and he has enjoyed working with the Representatives and Senators in the legislature. He summarized that he would like to continue this work as a member of the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics for another three years. 1:54:09 PM CHAIR CLAMAN asked for clarification on some of the certifications listed on Mr. Holmes' qualifications [hard copy included in the committee packet]. MR. HOLMES responded that they are technical certifications required for various government jobs. 1:55:08 PM CHAIR CLAMAN remarked that it was such a long list of certifications he was impressed. 1:55:17 PM REPRESENTATIVE SHAW commented that he noticed Ms. Anderson was a member of the Brooklyn Park Minnesota Charter Commission from 1990 to 1994. He asked whether she had encountered one of his former U.S. Navy Sea, Air, and Land Forces (SEALs) teammates, former Governor Jesse Ventura. 1:55:35 PM MS. ANDERSON answered that she lived in the same suburb as Jesse Ventura and served on the charter commission when he was the mayor of the city, so she did have interactions with him. 1:55:43 PM REPRESENTATIVE SHAW stated, "I just want to highlight how small of a community we are in America." MS. ANDERSON agreed with Representative Shaw. 1:56:04 PM REPRESENTATIVE LEDOUX thanked all three of the appointees for their service as committee members on the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics. 1:56:14 PM REPRESENTATIVE KOPP expressed that he supports Representative LeDoux's remarks. He said that he wrestled in high school with Ms. Fancher's brother, and he knows Ms. Fancher to be an amazing person, with professional experience in the scientific field and affiliations that bring great critical thinking to the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics. He said that Ms. Anderson's service to the legislature has been distinguished, and he appreciates her willingness to serve again. He thanked Mr. Holmes for the professionalism he brings to the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics and thanked all three of the appointees for their willingness to step up and serve another term on the committee. He recognized that serving on the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics is a significant investment of their time. 1:57:12 PM CHAIR CLAMAN noted that he is encouraged to see people willing to sign up for another opportunity to provide public service. He said it indicates that not only are they interested in serving, but they see the value they provide to their communities, as well. 1:57:33 PM REPRESENTATIVE KOPP stated that in accordance with AS 24.60.130, the House Judiciary Standing Committee has reviewed the qualifications of the following Chief Justice's appointees to the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics, and recommends that the following names be forwarded to the House for ratification: Deborah Fancher, Joyce M. Anderson, and Lee F. Holmes. He said that this does not reflect intent by any of the members to vote for, or against, any of these individuals during any further sessions for the purposes of ratification. 1:58:08 PM CHAIR CLAMAN clarified that the names of the appointees would be forwarded to the joint session [of the House and Senate for consideration]. 1:58:53 PM ADJOURNMENT  There being no further business before the committee, the House Judiciary Standing Committee meeting was adjourned at 1:59 p.m.