HOUSE FINANCE COMMITTEE March 25, 2009 6:34 p.m. 6:34:35 PM CALL TO ORDER Co-Chair Stoltze called the House Finance Committee meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Representative Mike Hawker, Co-Chair Representative Bill Stoltze, Co-Chair Representative Bill Thomas Jr., Vice-Chair Representative Allan Austerman Representative Harry Crawford Representative Anna Fairclough Representative Richard Foster Representative Les Gara Representative Reggie Joule Representative Mike Kelly Representative Woodie Salmon MEMBERS ABSENT None ALSO PRESENT Marina Lindsey, Juneau; Caroline Schultz, Chugiak PRESENT VIA TELECONFERENCE Theda Pittman, Anchorage; Clover Simon, Anchorage, Vice President, Alaska for Planned Parenthood Great Northwest; Katherine Brown, Anchorage; Kathleen Dam, Anchorage; Jeffrey Mittman, Anchorage, Alaska Civil Liberties; Kay Lahdenpera, Anchorage; Karen Lewis, Executive Director for Alaska Right- to-Life, Mat-Su; Barrett Fletcher, Homer; James Kennon Spiers, Fairbanks; Tammie Wilson, Fairbanks; Debbie Joslin, Delta Junction; Nancy Bishop, Anchorage; Robin Ford, Anchorage; Shawn Beck, Substance Abuse Counselor, Ketchikan; Meghan Gaughan, Student, UAA; Roger Owens, Retired Military Officer, Anchorage; Patricia Stoll, Wasilla; Amy Devereux, Anchorage; Patricia Odden, Wasilla; Nikki Hunter, Salcha; Bruce Lalonde, Anchorage; Deb Schultz, Chugiak; Kate West, Fairbanks; Cheryl Humme, Barrow; Kathy Forest, Anchorage GENERAL SUBJECT(S): The following overview was taken in log note format. Handouts will be on file with the House Finance Committee through the 26th Legislative Session, contact 465-6814. After the 26th Legislative Session they will be available through the Legislative Library at 465-3808. HOUSE BILL NO. 35 "An Act relating to notice and consent for a minor's abortion; relating to penalties for performing an abortion; relating to a judicial bypass procedure for an abortion; relating to coercion of a minor to have an abortion; relating to reporting of abortions performed on minors; amending Rule 220, Alaska Rules of Appellate Procedure, and Rule 20, Alaska Probate Rules, relating to judicial bypass for an abortion; and providing for an effective date." PUBLIC TESTIMONY TIME SPEAKER DISCUSSION  6:35:48 PM MARINA Spoke against HB 35. She spoke of money LINDSEY, lost in a previous bill. She believed JUNEAU, this bill will hurt many children who are already vulnerable. She hoped for teen education to prevent pregnancy.  6:38:47 PM CAROLINE Expressed opposition to HB 35. She did SCHULTZ, not believe this to be a judicial way CHUGIAK, to spend funds. She believed this an inequity issue between city and rural young people.  6:42:15 PM Representative Expressed that just because committee Gara members do not ask questions it does not mean that they are not paying attention.  6:43:22 PM THEDA PITTMAN, Spoke against HB 35. She thought the ANCHORAGE bill was misguided. She believed more testified via planning should be offered in teen teleconference pregnancy education. She considered this bill against the will of the people. She stressed that the legislature should use fiscal responsibility wisely.  6:46:59 PM CLOVER SIMON, Spoke against HB 35. She clarified ANCHORAGE, misinformation on various birth control VICE medicines. She corrected the number of PRESIDENT, teens that access abortion services in ALASKA FOR Alaska. She declared about 90 percent PLANNED of teens do involve their parents in PARENTHOOD the decision. She noted Planned GREAT Parenthood is in the business of NORTHWEST preventing pregnancy by supplying testified via information and birth control. It does teleconference not promote abortion, but is a service for people in need. She noted the great  expense to those from rural areas.  6:51:46 PM Representative Voiced his concern on the 48 hour Gara waiting period and he wanted to know when young women first realize they are pregnant.  6:52:47 PM Clover Simon Acknowledged that women under the age of 17 often have later term abortions, th in the 10 week. Adding on a 48 hour wait period could push them over the first trimester which would require a trip to Seattle.  th 6:53:37 PM Representative Wanted to know if the 10 week is an th Gara average or some in the 10 week. He asked if this is on the edge of the first trimester.  Clover Simon Agreed this is the on the edge of the first trimester. The first trimester in Alaska is considered to 13 weeks and 6 days.  6:54:10 PM Representative Asked for clarification if it was an Gara average of 10 weeks.   Clover Simon Replied it was on average 10 weeks.  6:54:23 PM KATHERINE Spoke against HB 35. She believed that BROWN, this bill was based on false logic. She ANCHORAGE also indicated this was a misuse of the testified via states money.  teleconference 6:55:08 PM KATHLEEN DAM, Testified in opposition to HB 35. She ANCHORAGE promoted sex education as a way to testified via prevent teen pregnancy.  teleconference 6:56:48 PM JEFFREY Expressed opposition to HB 35. He MITTMAN, expressed the needless financial risk ANCHORAGE, to the state. He spoke of harm to teens ALASKA CIVIL but this would not harm the parent- LIBERTIES child relationship. He warned of the testified via risk that young women would seek teleconference illegal dangerous abortions.  7:00:47 PM Representative Asked if Mr. Mittman was an attorney.  Gara 7:01:00 PM Jeffrey Answered yes he was.  Mittman 7:01:04 PM Representative Asked which provisions in this bill are Gara believed to be unconstitutional.  7:01:21 PM Jeffery Noted that the Alaska Supreme Court Mittman looked at the issue of privacy protected under the Alaska State Constitution.  7:02:14 PM Representative Questioned if the 48 hour waiting Gara period was unconstitutional.  7:02:28 PM Jeffrey Noted the courts would like to look at Mittman the realistic impact. In a state like  Alaska there are problems with the infrastructure, travel and resources. The realities of Alaska is that the 48 hour waiting period would be looked at by the courts as a barrier or bar so the teen is restricted from needed medical care.  7:03:02 PM Representative Asked if any other provisions caused Gara concern to the Alaska Constitution.  7:03:22 PM Jeffery Pointed out that the way the judicial Mittman bypass is written that a teen get a notarized statement which is corroborated by another individual. The court could look at these as reasonable but restrictive as a bar and the court could look at this as an unconstitutional invasion of the teen's privacy.  7:04:07 PM Co-Chair Asked if there were any good faith Stoltze efforts that were improvements on the part of the sponsor's work.  7:04:14 PM Jeffrey Agreed this is good faith effort in the Mittman attempt to foster parent-child communication, but as written with the numerous bars to teens accessing medical care, the harms far outweigh any good intentions.  7:04:52 PM KAY Expressed opposition to HB 35 and LAHDENPERA, feared self abortion rising again. She ANCHORAGE voiced her concern for the young people testified via in Alaska.  teleconference 7:08:37 PM KAREN LEWIS, Spoke in support of HB 35. She EXECUTIVE applauded the legislature for this DIRECTOR FOR bill. She reported about 40 percent of ALASKA RIGHT-teens have abortions without parent's TO-LIFE, MAT-consent. She believed parents should be SU testified involved in all issues concerning the via teen. She warned of the psychological teleconference and physical damaging issues after abortion. She provided statistics supporting her beliefs.  7:14:54 PM BARRETT Spoke against HB 35. He observed that FLETCHER, the fiscal note will be challenged in HOMER court and all Alaskans will be paying testified via for the beliefs of a few.  teleconference 7:16:27 PM JAMES KENNON Spoke in support of HB 35. He indicated SPIERS, how upset he would be if his daughter FAIRBANKS had an abortion without his knowledge.  testified via teleconference 7:18:46 PM TAMMIE WILSON, Spoke in support of HB 35. She agreed  FAIRBANKS that parents should be consulted before testified via an abortion happens.  teleconference 7:20:35 PM Representative Commended the last two speakers for Gara voicing their opinions without attacking those with different beliefs.  7:21:52 PM DEBBIE JOSLIN, Spoke in support of HB 35. She believed DELTA JUNCTION the rights of parents needed to be testified via instituted into law. She believed it teleconference protects young people against their immaturity. She stressed that young women are at risk from predatory males who may force them to have an abortion.  7:26:34 PM NANCY BISHOP, Spoke against HB 35. She maintained ANCHORAGE that many young people do not come from testified via supportive homes. She expressed the teleconference fear of back alley dangerous abortions. She regarded sex education as a better way to spend the state's money.  7:29:38 PM ROBIN FORD, Testified against HB 35. She pointed ANCHORAGE out that parental consent would not testified via prevent abortion. She suggested a state teleconference mandated sex education program.  7:31:42 PM SHAWN BECK, Expressed opposition to HB 35. She SUBSTANCE revealed that teens often do not have a ABUSE close or healthy parental bond. She COUNSELOR, believed if a road block existed, many KETCHIKAN would seek desperate measures. She testified via stressed that not everyone has a teleconference perfect family and putting policy were it does not belong. She noted that the bill had already been found unconstitutional. She suggested that money should be directed toward solving the problem by providing sex education for teens.  7:32:58 PM MEGHAN Spoke against HB 35 and stated concerns GAUGHAN, about the costs to the state of STUDENT, UAA contesting the constitutionality of the testified via bill. She feared young women would teleconference resort to unsafe abortion options. She shared experiences with women in rural communities and thought the 48-hour notice was unjust especially in remote areas.  7:36:24 PM ROGER OWENS, Testified in opposition to the RETIRED legislation on behalf of himself and MILITARY his daughters. He would not force his OFFICER, daughters to have a child they did not ANCHORAGE want, nor would he force them to have testified via an abortion. He had concerns about teleconference court costs and other future costs.  7:40:22 PM Representative Acknowledged her connection with and  Fairclough respect for Mr. Owens.  7:40:51 PM PATRICIA Expressed opposition to HB 35 because STOLL, WASILLA of unconstitutionality. She did not testified via believe communication could be teleconference legislated. In addition, the 48-hour waiting period is wrong.  7:42:30 PM AMY DEVEREUX, Spoke in opposition to HB 35. She ANCHORAGE described her personal experience as a testified via young person. She noted the high rates teleconference of child abuse in Alaska and the difficulty of some teens in speaking with parents. She was concerned about court costs in a weak economy.  7:45:10 PM PATRICIA Urged opposition to HB 35 as a mother ODDEN, WASILLA and grandmother. She thought teens in testified via danger in a village would not get teleconference necessary and expensive medical attention. She called for sex education.  7:46:37 PM NIKKI HUNTER, Voiced support in HB 35. She believed SALCHA this bill would protect young woman who testified via want to keep their children. She teleconference thought teens going in for a pregnancy test would be offered hormonal birth control without the education that it does not protect against STDs. She thought parents could educate children and guide their children better if they were involved.  7:49:47 PM BRUCE LALONDE, Spoke in support of HB 35. He noted as ANCHORAGE a foster parent, he believed young testified via children under 17 are not mature enough teleconference to make their own decisions.  7:50:51 PM DEB SCHULTZ, Testified in opposition to HB 35. She CHUGIAK considered this a bad fiscal choice for testified via the time. She honored her children to teleconference make reliable choices.  7:52:46 PM KATE WEST, Spoke against HB 35. She believed that FAIRBANKS most young people would inform their testified via parents, but if they did not, it was teleconference usually for a very good reason.  7:54:28 PM AT EASE  7:55:23 PM RECONVENED  7:55:27 PM CHERYL HUMME, Testified in opposition to HB 35. She BARROW believed every child should be a wanted testified via child. She advocated that more sex teleconference education as a better way to spend the state's money. She believed this would put some families at greater danger.  7:59:59 PM KATHY FOREST, Spoke against HB 35. She thought this ANCHORAGE bill would hurt those young people who testified via do not have the support of their  teleconference parents. She thought the money could be better spent on education.    ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 PM