ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE  SELECT COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE ETHICS  JUNE 12, 2023  10:00 AM   HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING    10:00:48 AM 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER  Joyce Anderson called the meeting of the House Subcommittee to order at 10:02 AM and welcomed committee members and guests. Joyce Anderson directed Jerry Anderson to take roll. Representative DeLena Johnson (telephonic) Representative Sara Hannan (telephonic) Skip Cook Conner Thomas (telephonic) Joyce Anderson Deb Fancher Jerry McBeath (telephonic) arrived after roll call. Quorum present to conduct House Subcommittee business. Joyce Anderson asked Jacqui Yeagle if there was anyone else telephonically in the meeting. Jacqui Yeagle responded that Representative Mike Prax was telephonically in attendance. Joyce Anderson introduced Ethics Committee staff Jerry Anderson and Jacqui Yeagle. Joyce Anderson asked committee members and guests to identify themselves when speaking for the benefit of individuals in the audience. 10:03:04 AM 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA  Joyce Anderson reported she expected the House Subcommittee meeting to last less than one hour, consisting of a brief introduction to complaints filed with the Ethics Committee and followed by executive session. She entertained a motion to approve the agenda. Motion made by Deb Fancher. There were no objections. The agenda was approved. 10:03:32 AM 3. PUBLIC COMMENT  Joyce Anderson entertained public comment. There was no public comment. 10:04:00 AM 4. INTRODUCTION OF COMPLAINTS H 23-01 AND H 23-02  Joyce Anderson stated that the House Subcommittee would consider two complaints, both at the preliminary examination stage, which means that an investigation has not been completed regarding the allegations. The subcommittee will only be considering the question of: If the allegations in the complaint are true, would it be a violation under the Legislative Ethics Act? The subcommittee would then either dismiss the complaint or adopt a scope of investigation for each of the complaints. Jerry Anderson said there was a waiver of confidentiality on the two complaints. Joyce Anderson thanked Jerry Anderson and continued, saying that Complaint H 23-01, which was filed May 10, 2023, alleges that Rep. David Eastman violated AS 24.60.030 by using state resources for the private benefit of another person. Complaint H 23-02, filed May 10, 2023, alleges that Rep. David Eastman violated AS 24.60.031 by soliciting campaign funds during the 2023 Legislative session by using campaign committee name "Freedom-Loving Alaskans for David Eastman" and 10:06:04 AM 5. MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION into Executive  Session  Joyce Anderson entertained a motion to go into executive session to discuss matters which by law must remain confidential under AS 24.60.160, Uniform Rule 22(b) regarding executive sessions, and Rules of Procedure Section 5: Executive Sessions and discussion of matters, the immediate knowledge of which would adversely affect the finances of a governmental unit, and discussion of subjects that tend to prejudice the reputation and character of a person Deb Fancher so moved. There were no objections. Joyce Anderson asked if there were objections to Ethics Committee staff Jerry Anderson and Jacqui Yeagle staying in the room for executive session. There were no objections. Joyce Anderson said public session would resume after executive session. 6. EXECUTIVE SESSION 10:54:14 AM 7. PUBLIC SESSION  Joyce Anderson announced the House Subcommittee had determined in executive session to investigate complaints H 23-01 and H 23-02. 8. OTHER BUSINESS  Joyce Anderson entertained other business for the subcommittee. Jerry McBeath asked if the investigations would require additional financial resources. Joyce Anderson responded that the Ethics Committee already has a contract with the investigator and the money to cover the contract. Joyce Anderson entertained other business before the committee. There was no other business. 9. ADJOURN  Joyce Anderson entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jerry McBeath so moved. There was no objection. The meeting adjourned at 10:58 AM. 10:57:21 AM       ADJOURN: