ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE  SELECT COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE ETHICS  HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEE  OCTOBER 13, 2022 11:30 AM 11:52:13 AM 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER  Conner Thomas called the meeting to order at 11:56 a.m. and he welcomed the committee members and guests. Conner Thomas directed Jerry Anderson to conduct roll call. Roll Call  Representative Chris Tuck Skip Cook Conner Thomas Joyce Anderson Lee Holmes Quorum present. Conner Thomas asked if there was anyone else online for the meeting. No response. Conner Thomas recognized other persons in the room. Jerry Anderson Jacqui Yeagle Conner Thomas asked committee members and guests, for the benefit of others, to identify themselves each time they spoke. He added that he expected the meeting to last approximately one hour. 11:53:59 AM 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA  Conner Thomas directed attention to the agenda and entertained a motion for approval. Motion made by Lee Holmes. Conner Thomas entertained objections. There were no objections. The agenda was approved. 11:54:19 AM 3. PUBLIC COMMENT  Conner Thomas opened the meeting to public comment. There were no public comments. Conner Thomas closed public comment. 4. MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION into Executive  Session  Conner Thomas entertained a motion to move to executive session to discuss matters which by law must remain confidential under AS 24.60.160, Uniform Rule 22(b) regarding executive sessions, and Rules of Procedure Section 5 Executive Sessions and discussion of matters, the immediate knowledge of which would adversely affect the finances of a governmental unit, and discussion of subjects that tend to prejudice the reputation and character of a person. Skip Cook so moved. Hearing no objections, Conner Thomas instructed the committee and staff to prepare for executive session.  5. EXECUTIVE SESSION 12:53:04 PM 6. PUBLIC SESSION  Conner Thomas called the House subcommittee meeting back to order. He said that the committee had taken up Complaint H 22-03 in executive session and a majority of committee members voted to dismiss the complaint. A written dismissal will follow. 7. OTHER BUSINESS  Conner Thomas asked if there was any other business for the subcommittee. Hearing and seeing none, Conner Thomas entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. 8. ADJOURN  Motion made by Lee Holmes. Conner Thomas adjourned the meeting at 12:56 p.m. 12:53:49 PM                     ADJOURN: