ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION REVIEW COMMITTEE January 24, 1995 12:03 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Senator Randy Phillips, Chair Representative Norman Rokeberg, Vice-Chair Senator Johnny Ellis Representative John Davies Representative Gary Davis MEMBERS ABSENT Senator Steve Rieger COMMITTEE CALENDAR ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING ACTION NARRATIVE TAPE 95-1, SIDE A Number 001 The meeting was called to order by CHAIRMAN RANDY PHILLIPS at 12:03 p.m. In attendance were Senator Ellis, Representative Rokeberg, Representative Davies and Representative G. Davis. Senator Rieger was unable to attend because of a prior commitment. Discussion centered on introducing legislation that would either abolish the Administrative Regulation Review Committee permanently or getting a constitutional amendment on the ballot relating to the repeal of regulations by the Legislature. CHAIRMAN PHILLIPS believes that there needs to be a constitutional amendment to provide the committee with the ability to overturn any regulations that are contrary to what the Legislature has passed. If that doesn't happen, then he supports abolishing the committee because there is nothing in state law or in the constitution to prevent any member of the Legislature from introducing a bill to get rid of any regulations. He asked for the other members' comments on the issue. Number 040 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG stated that in conversations he has had with Speaker of the House Gail Phillips, she has indicated that at this time she is opposed to abolishment of the committee. Number 070 REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS also voiced his opposition to abolishing the committee at this point, although he agrees with the Chairman that the committee lacks the power to do anything. He believes there are things the committee can do to keep the public informed on the problem and situation of legislative authority over rules and regulations. Representative Davis spoke to his membership on a national committee, the National Association on Administrative Rules Review. He said there is a lot going on in this area and other states are also questioning their regulatory powers. Number 140 REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES stated he was relatively new to this issue and was reluctant to make any comments at this point. Number 144 SENATOR ELLIS spoke to past attempts in trying to get a constitutional amendment passed, but said he would give the Chair's proposal some thought. He added that there are some regulations in legislation introduced this year that he would like to see discussed by the committee and, if the committee can reach a consensus, to make recommendations for that legislation as it moves through other committees. Number 175 CHAIRMAN RANDY PHILLIPS noted that Senator Rieger's preference is for a constitutional amendment. CHAIRMAN RANDY PHILLIPS pointed out that if legislation to put the question of a constitutional amendment on the ballot is passed this session, it would show a real commitment by the leadership of both the House and Senate that this is the avenue that should be taken. It would also give the organizers time to promote passage of the question on the ballot. Number 205 SENATOR ELLIS asked if there is anything that leads the chairman to believe that the public would vote any differently than they have in past elections. CHAIRMAN RANDY PHILLIPS responded that each time the question is on the ballot the opposition is less and that more time to educate the public on the issue might help its passage. Number 250 CHAIRMAN RANDY PHILLIPS requested that the House members on the committee talk to their leadership about the possibility of making a commitment to pass some form of legislation this session. Number 300 SENATOR ELLIS brought before the committee a concern from a business in Anchorage relating to vegetable licensing regulations and requested that the committee review these regulations at a future meeting. CHAIRMAN RANDY PHILLIPS directed attention to a letter from a window manufacturer regarding new requirements for thermal testing which should also be reviewed by the committee. There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 12:26 p.m.