SB 44-ALASKA TOLL BRIDGE AND CAUSEWAY AUTHORITY SB 45-APPROP: DESIGN OF KNIK ARM CROSSING VICE CHAIRMAN WARD asked Ms. Brown to present SB 44 and SB 45. MS. LORETTA BROWN, staff to Senator Ward, sponsor of both bills, explained that SB 44 and SB 45 are related. SB 44 establishes a toll bridge authority and SB 45 would facilitate the building of a Knik Arm causeway. The bills are essentially the same as bills introduced in the Thirteenth Alaska Legislature. The proposed legislation would appropriate $1 million in state general funds to form an authority and to design a crossing that will span Cook Inlet from the Port of Anchorage to Point Mackenzie. Eighty percent of construction costs will be covered by federal funds. The causeway authority will issue transportation bonds for up to 20 percent of the cost and collect tolls to repay the bonds. Congressman Young has stated that the Knik Arm causeway is one of his two top priorities. SENATOR TAYLOR asked Mr. Poshard if DOTPF has done any studies on the Knik Arm causeway. MR. POSHARD informed the committee that some studies were done in the mid-1980s. SENATOR TAYLOR asked whether DOTPF studied alternative methods of transportation such as high speed ferries. MR. POSHARD said he does not know what alternatives were studied. SENATOR TAYLOR asked whether DOTPF decided a causeway was a realistic project. MR. POSHARD said DOTPF believes it should take a hard look at this project and supports the appropriation to get into the environmental process. DOTPF requested $20 million recently through the congressional delegation for the environmental phase of the Knik Arm causeway. Congressman Young has been very supportive of that request. SENATOR TAYLOR maintained that someone must have decided the project is realistic if those funds were requested. VICE-CHAIRMAN WARD explained that the Thirteenth Legislature appropriated $5 million for a study for the Knik Arm causeway. One component was the "do nothing" proposal and that is where the ferries came in or where people would continue to drive the existing route. He was the sponsor of that legislation and at that time Congressman Young was not in his current position. SENATOR TAYLOR moved SB 44 from committee with individual recommendations. VICE-CHAIRMAN WARD announced that with no objection, SB 44 moved from committee. SENATOR TAYLOR moved SB 45 from committee with individual recommendations. VICE-CHAIRMAN WARD announced that with no objections, SB 45 moved from committee. He then stated the committee would take up SB 152.