HB 141-ESTABLISHING DON YOUNG DAY  9:03:03 AM CHAIR KAWASAKI announced the consideration of HOUSE BILL NO. 141 "An Act establishing June 9 of each year as Don Young Day." 9:03:24 AM REPRESENTATIVE CRAIG JOHNSON, Alaska State Legislature, Juneau, Alaska, stated that this is a Rules Committee bill that was brought forward for all of Alaska 9:04:12 AM CHAIR KAWASAKI reopened public testimony on HB 141; finding none, he closed public testimony and solicited a motion. 9:04:25 AM SENATOR BJORKMAN moved to report HB 141, work order 33-LS0669\B, from committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal note(s). CHAIR KAWASAKI found no objection and HB 141 was reported from the Senate State Affairs Standing Committee.