SB 119-STATE IDENTIFICATION CARD FOR PRISONERS  3:50:25 PM CHAIR KAWASAKI reconvened the meeting and announced the consideration of SENATE BILL NO. 119 "An Act relating to state identifications and driver's licenses for persons in the custody of the Department of Corrections; relating to state identifications issued by the Department of Corrections; relating to the duties of the commissioner of corrections; relating to misconduct involving confidential information; relating to voter identification; relating to identification for fishing permits; relating to identification for debtor financing statements; and providing for an effective date." He asked the sponsor if he had any final comments on the bill. 3:50:50 PM SENATOR ROBERT MEYERS, District Q, Alaska State Legislature, Juneau, Alaska, sponsor of SB 119, thanked the committee for moving the bill forward. CHAIR KAWASAKI thanked the sponsor for introducing the bill to help people reenter their community after incarceration. He solicited a motion. 3:51:45 PM SENATOR MERRICK moved to report SB 119, work order 33-LS0711\A, from committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal note(s). CHAIR KAWASAKI found no objection and SB 119 was reported from the Senate State Affairs Standing Committee.