SB 132-MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FEES  9:02:26 AM CHAIR DYSON announced that SB 132 was before the committee. CHAIR DYSON welcomed Senator Wielechowski to the committee meeting. 9:02:46 AM SENATOR GIESSEL moved the CS for SB 132, labeled, 28-LS1218\N, as the working document. CHAIR DYSON announced that [without objection] version N is adopted. 9:03:12 AM SENATOR ANNA FAIRCLOUGH, Alaska State Legislature, Juneau, Alaska, sponsor SB 132, announced that the CS before the committee addressed clean-up language for SB 132. She remarked about the difficulty from statutes in previous legislative bodies for individuals turning 65 in receiving their one-car motor vehicle benefit for registering without fee. She detailed that an individual turning 65 after January 1 may have to wait for their benefit for nearly two years due. She explained that the current auto registration is for two years. She stated that the initial legislative intent was not to have an individual 65 or over wait 2 years. She asserted that her intent is to fix the wrong in delaying registration benefits to individuals who turn 65. 9:04:13 AM TALLY TEAL, Staff, Senator Fairclough, Alaska State Legislature, Juneau, Alaska, addressed the CS for SB 132. She said there are three changes from the original bill. First, after discussion with Amy Erickson from the Alaska of Administration-Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV), a language change was made that specifies a person must be 65 at the time of registration to be eligible for the exemption. She explained that DMV was concerned about any confusion about the possibility of having to refund fees for someone who had registered at age 64 earlier in the year and would turn 65 with an expectation for a refund. Second, at the request of the DMV, an effective date will for the bill will be January 1, 2015 in order to keep records and accounting as clean as possible. Third, language was added to the title to make it specific to vehicle registration fee exemptions for seniors. CHAIR DYSON asked to clarify that if a person turns 65 after they registered their vehicle, the individual has to wait the two years. MS. TEAL [indicated "yes" with a gesture.] CHAIR GIESSEL asked to confirm that the fiscal note is zero. MS. TEAL answered yes. SENATOR FAIRCLOUGH pointed out that the fiscal note is indeterminate. She said DMV thinks the fiscal note will be very minimal and the effect will be a very small amount. CHAIR DYSON asked if anyone wanted to testify. He noted that no one requested to testify. He announced that the Chair will entertain a motion. 9:06:52 AM SENATOR GIESSEL SENATOR moved to report CS for SB 132, version 28-LS1218\N from committee with individual recommendations and attached zero fiscal note. 9:07:06 AM CHAIR DYSON announced that seeing no objection, CSSB 132(STA) passes from committee.