CSHB 351(JUD)-CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTION DEVICES  CHAIR GARY STEVENS announced CSHB 351(JUD) to be the next order of business. CODY RICE, staff to Representative Carl Gatto, described the bill as the joint effort of Representatives Max Gruenberg and Carl Gatto to address the issue of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in Alaska. HB 351 adds CO detection devices to the smoke detector installation and maintenance requirement in state law. SENATOR COWDERY questioned, whether the devices would be hard wired or battery powered and if battery replacement would be monitored. MR. RICE understood that the devices could be either battery or hard wired and the bill states that they will be installed and maintained according to the manufacturer's recommendations, which includes battery replacement. SENATOR GUESS motioned to report CSHB 351(JUD) and attached fiscal notes from committee with individual recommendations. There being no objection, it was so ordered.