CSHB 337-ANATOMICAL(FIN) GIFTS REGISTRY CHAIR GARY STEVENS announced CSHB 337(FIN) to be up for consideration. He asked Representative McGuire's staff to come forward. HEATH HILYARD, staff to Representative Lisel McGuire, advised that he would address his comments to version \X. The bill formalizes an electronic registry for the collection of donor information between a donor registry program and the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and establishes an anatomical donation awareness fund. He called attention to page 3, lines 6-10, which is the change made in the House Finance Committee. It calls for notifying the DMV if the donor elects to revoke the gift. Further he noted there is a $7 thousand fiscal note that would be assumed by the northwest regional donor procurement organization. If there were specific questions regarding the nature of the registry, he would defer to the executive director of Life Alaska and the director of Motor Vehicles. CHAIR GARY STEVENS apologized that he had another commitment at 5:30 pm so he would hold the bill if all questions weren't addressed by that time. SENATOR JOHN COWDERY stated he had a meeting as well. SENATOR GRETCHEN GUESS asked to hear from DMV to find out if they were comfortable running the program or whether it would be out sourced. MR. HILYARD thought the information would be collected at the point of registry, which would be at the DMV. SENATOR GUESS asked where the money would go. MR. HILYARD believed it was a standalone fund for the purpose of marketing the registry. CHAIR GARY STEVENS announced that Mr. Bannock was online and could answer those questions more definitively. He asked whether there were further questions. SENATOR GUESS asked Mr. Hilyard to discuss with the sponsor the possibility of including bone marrow donations in the fund. MR. HILYARD said he wasn't sure whether or not that would fall under tissue donation and perhaps the representative from the donor registry program could better answer the question. SENATOR GUESS told him that bone marrow is not considered the same as tissue. DUANE BANNOCK, representative from the Department of Administration and Division of Motor Vehicles, explained the $7 thousand would allow additional computer programming and told Senator Guess that the money is handled in a similar fashion to the Veteran Commemorative Plate legislation that she sponsored last year. Customers that affirm that they would like to participate in the program financially will be accounted for and that information would then be forwarded directly to the organ donation organization on either a weekly, daily, or quarterly basis. SENATOR GUESS asked if you would have the opportunity to donate again each time you renewed your license. MR. BANNOCK replied that is correct. "We will ask you every time you come to the DMV." This would apply to ID cards and vehicle registration in addition to the driver's license. There were no further questions for Mr. Bannock. CHAIR GARY STEVENS asked Mr. Zalneraitis from Life Alaska if he had testimony. MR. ZALNERAITIS, Life Alaska representative, said he was available to answer questions. CHAIR GARY STEVENS asked him to respond to Senator Guess's question regarding bone marrow donors. SENATOR GUESS asked if there would be a problem in including bone marrow donation in the awareness portion of the program. MR. ZALNERAITIS said they are different in that bone marrow donation is directed to living donors and this program is directed at donation after death. However, Life Alaska advocates for donation to help others in any form so they support education and awareness for donations for bone marrow, blood, and organ and tissue. "That's in part why we join up with the Blood Bank of Alaska, for example, to sponsor a program to increase awareness." There were no further questions for Mr. Zalneraitis. CHAIR GARY STEVENS asked Senator Guess if she was satisfied with that answer. SENATOR GUESS replied that she would talk with the sponsor about specifically including bone marrow awareness. "It's sounds like it's kind of incorporated anyway. If we're doing awareness for one it sounds like it would be a good idea and given the lack of bone marrow donors in the country...." CHAIR GARY STEVENS asked her to follow up on that point. SENATOR JOHN COWDERY motioned to move CSHB 337(FIN) from committee with attached fiscal notes. CHAIR GARY STEVENS asked Senator Guess if she had any objection to moving the bill and she did not object. There being no objection, CSHB 337(FIN) moved from committee with attached fiscal notes.