HB 10-GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE FOR PRIVATE GROUPS  HELEN BEDDER, staff to Representative Cheryll Heinze, introduced the legislation and explained it would help provide coverage for more than 100,000 Alaskans that have no health care coverage. Current statute defines eligible group types for which insurance companies may offer coverage. Groups that are formed for insurance services aren't currently listed and therefore, insurance companies may not offer coverage to that group type. HB 10 amends the statute and allows self employed individuals and groups of employers, including non-profits, to pool for the purpose of obtaining health insurance. SENATOR GRETCHEN GUESS said it is her understanding that certain non-profits might have employees with higher health care needs, which could lead to difficulty in insurance pooling. If that proves to be the case, mental health [Mental Health Trust Authority] has said they would help in the pooling. MS. BEDDER agreed that insurance companies have been hesitant to talk to non-profits, but HB 10 shows the need for some action. She said she didn't know how the Mental Health Trust Authority might be used, but they have committed at least $45,000 to help the non-profits get affordable insurance. SENATOR FRED DYSON said he appreciates the work that has been done in this area and hopes it will be a significant part of solving a large problem. SENATOR GUESS made a motion to move HB 10 and attached zero fiscal note from committee with individual recommendations. There being no objection, it was so ordered.