SB 270-STUDENT LOAN CORP PAYMENTS TO STATE MS. DIANE BARRANS, Executive Director for Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education, stated support for SB 270. Changes to the Alaska Student Loan Program in recent years have resulted in an annual net income. The program goals are to continue in a direction of fiscal strength and good credit standing, to continue to reduce the cost of borrowing for Alaska residents, to continue to reduce the corporation's equity deficit, currently at $43 million, and to propose a mechanism that makes possible a return of contributed capital to the corporation's original financing source; the State of Alaska. In 1999, the program's improved financial standing was rewarded by a double A upgrade. The interest rate on the 2000/2001 State student loan was reduced to 8 percent. The interest free borrowing policy while students are attending school remains intact, and the corporation's equity deficit has been reduced by $7 million over the last two years. SB 270 provides that in any year the corporation has a $2 million net income, the board will declare return of capital payment to the State between 10-35 percent of the income amount. SB 270 has received support from the House and Senate. Ms. Barrans referred to graphs produced by the program. Number 329 SENATOR WILKEN stated the graphs should show more previous years, and the graphs are an indication the program is doing great work. VICE CHAIR GREEN stated SB 270 would be held in committee.