Number 348 CSHB 449(STA) - ROSH IRA EXEMPTION CHAIRMAN GREEN brought CSHB 449(STA) before the committee as the next order of business. JOE BALASH, staff to Representative Gene Therriault who is prime sponsor of HB 449, read the following sponsor statement into the record: "Under the Alaska Exemptions Act, retirement plans are protected from creditor claims. However, it does so by listing each type of retirement plan by reference to the Internal Revenue Code section governing that plan. HB 449 will expand the list to include the newly created Roth IRA. "The 1997 Taxpayer Relief Act passed by Congress created the Roth IRA account under Internal Revenue Code section 408A. Contributions and earnings from traditional IRAs can be rolled over into a new Roth IRA. However, when the rollover is done, the taxes must be paid on the capital gains realized. To soften this - potential tax bite, Congress has allowed all of the taxable income stemming from rollovers done in 1998 to be spread over a four year period. "This is a great opportunity to convert all future IRA account earnings into tax-free income and spread the current tax bite over four years. However, those Alaskans who take advantage of this are removing their assets from the list of those protected under state law. "This option is available only during 1998. Beginning in 1999, distributions from regular IRA accounts that are rolled into Roth IRAs will be fully taxed in the year of the rollover. In order for Alaskans to maintain their protection while taking advantage of this opportunity, legislation must be passed this session." Number 320 There being no questions or further testimony on HB 449, CHAIRMAN GREEN asked for the pleasure of the committee. SENATOR MACKIE moved CSHB 449(STA) and the accompanying zero fiscal note be passed out of committee with individual recommendations. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.