SB 124 CHARITABLE GAMING SALMON AND RACE CLASSIC CHAIRMAN GREEN brought SB 124 before the committee as the next order of business. SENATOR JOHN TORGERSON, prime sponsor of SB 124, read the following sponsor statement into the record: "This legislation amends AS 05.15.100(A) by including race classics as one of the games of skill and chance which municipalities or qualified organizations are allowed to conduct. The purpose of this amendment is to authorize a classic for the Seward Mt. Marathon Race, to be operated by the Seward Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors' Bureau. It also amends AS 05.15.690(40) by extending the definition of a salmon classic to include the Seward Silver Salmon Derby Classic and the Sterling Area Senior Citizen's, Inc. Sockeye Salmon Crossing Classic. Both the Seward Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors' Bureau and the Sterling Area Senior Citizen's Inc., are non-profit corporations. Both entities provide a valuable community service and, like many local service organizations, they are searching for ways to supplement their revenues. Providing these potential revenue vehicles will assist these service organizations in the continuation of the services they provide for their respective communities." Senator Torgerson pointed out the Legislature has authorized similar classics, and he said this is just a request to add a couple of more to the list. Number 428 SENATOR DUNCAN noted there are a number of other salmon derbies held throughout the state, and he questioned if consideration was given to opening it up so that they all qualify under this legislation. SENATOR TORGERSON responded that it was originally approached in that manner and his office worked with the Division of Gaming on the concept. However, communications broke down, and he needed to get approval for these two classics this year so it was limited to them. He added there is concern among the non- profit organizations that if an administration decided down the road that they didn't want to continue with an existing derby, it could just administratively wipe it out. There being no further questions or testimony on SB 124, CHAIRMAN GREEN requested a motion on the legislation. SENATOR WARD moved SB 124 be passed out of committee with individual recommendations. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.