SCR 2 REIMBURSEMENT FOR TRAVEL TO CAPITAL CITY TAPE 96-7, SIDE A Number 001 CHAIRMAN SHARP called the Senate State Affairs Committee to order at 3:31 p.m. and brought up SCR 2 as the first order of business before the committee. The chairman called Senator Randy Phillips to testify. Number 030 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS, prime sponsor of SCR 2, stated that the resolution is basically a suggestion to the City & Borough of Juneau to reimburse travel expense to Juneau for purposes of testifying before committees and meeting with their legislators. Senator Phillips related information contained in the Sponsor's Statement. Number 063 SENATOR LEMAN voiced three areas of concern: 1) would there be full or partial reimbursement for expenses; 2) would buying a block of airline seats be an option; 3) how would this affect the effort to keep air fares reasonable? Number 108 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS responded he envisions that the City & Borough of Juneau, Legislative Affairs Agency, and the Legislative Council will work out the details. Hopefully, they can get a block of tickets or a special rate from the Airline, and give people an airline ticket if they have a legitimate reason for coming to Juneau to talk to their legislators. The point is access. CBJ is already spending money on access: they've spent up to $200,000 on Gavel to Gavel . Number 145 JAMIE PARSONS, Chairperson of the Alaska Committee, stated the mission of the Alaska Committee is to enhance Juneau as Alaska's Capital City. Mr. Parsons stated for the record that the Alaska Committee raises its' own funds for operational expenses. Several things the committee supports are: two-way video-teleconferencing, Gavel to Gavel television coverage of legislative meetings and floor sessions and coordinating educational materials, technology education, and transportation access through the new GPS (Global Positioning System) navigational guidance. The Alaska Committee is also working to secure additional competitive airline service to Juneau and working with the existing carrier to accommodate legislative needs and fares. We are also monitoring the Juneau Access Study, which deals with surface access to northern Lynn Canal. The City & Borough of Juneau is also working to improve housing. Number 255 MR. PARSONS stated in closing that the Alaska Committee will continue to work on all issues relating to access, and that the committee does seek the legislature's input and ideas. CHAIRMAN SHARP stated that, there being no further discussion on SCR 2, the committee would go on to the next item of business.