CHAIRMAN LEMAN brings up HJR 60 (AMEND US CONSTIT. TO LIMIT FED. COURTS) as the next order of business before the State Affairs Committee and calls Mr. Easaw to testify. Number 315 JOSEPH EASAW, Aide to the House State Affairs Committee, sponsor of HJR 60, states the intent of the resolution is very straightforward. Mr. Easaw gives the committee background information on why HJR 60 was introduced. Number 345 CHAIRMAN LEMAN asks Mr. Easaw if he can submit the backup material to which he is referring to the Senate State Affairs Committee. MR. EASAW responds he will do so. CHAIRMAN LEMAN asks if there is any committee discussion on HJR 60. Number 348 SENATOR TAYLOR makes a motion to discharge HJR 60 from the Senate State Affairs Committee with individual recommendations. Number 350 CHAIRMAN LEMAN asks if there is anyone in the audience who wishes to testify on the resolution. Hearing none, he asks if there is objection to the motion to discharge. Hearing no objection, the chairman orders HJR 60 released from committee with individual recommendations.