CHAIRMAN LEMAN brings up SJR 50 (SUIT RE POWS & MIAS AGAINST U.S. & OTHERS) as the next order of business before the Senate State Affairs Committee and calls the first witness. Number 390 DAVE THOMPSON, Aide to the Senate Rules Committee, states the resolution was introduced by the Senate Rules Committee by request. Mr. Thompson says there are two Alaskans who are still missing in action (mia) from the Vietnam War. There is a companion house resolution, which is stalled. There is a zero fiscal note. The American Legion Executive Committee voted unanimously to support passage of this resolution. CHAIRMAN LEMAN asks if there are any questions of Mr. Thompson. Hearing none, he asks if anyone in the audience wishes to testify. Number 407 SENATOR MILLER makes a motion to discharge SJR 50 from the Senate State Affairs Committee with individual recommendations. CHAIRMAN LEMAN, hearing no objection, orders SJR 50 released from committee with individual recommendations.