CHAIRMAN LEMAN states that since the committee does not have a quorum, the meeting will operate as a work session until more members arrive. The chairman brings up as first order of business SB 267 (ALASKA POLICE STNDS TRAINING FUND) and calls the first witness. Number 022 LADDIE SHAW, Executive Director, Alaska Police Standards Council, Department of Public Safety (DPS), says SB 267 addresses the ongoing problem of fulfilling the inservice and specialized training requirements of law enforcement and corrections personnel state-wide. SB 267 would generate the funding necessary to provide this training. Mr. Shaw reads from a prepared statement describing the duties of the Alaska Police Standards Council and the problems the council has providing training to law enforcement and corrections personnel due to funding shortfalls. Mr. Shaw states any specialized training requirements have to be funded by communities because the state is not funding for the training, so most personnel in smaller communities get no additional training. Number 070 MR. SHAW states that by developing the user-fee assessment funding system, violator's will pay for police and corrections personnel training. Number 080 CHAIRMAN LEMAN thanks Mr. Shaw and asks if anyone has questions to ask of Mr. Shaw. Hearing none, the chairman asks Mr. Shaw when the meeting to work on the fee-collection portion of SB 267 will occur. Number 090 MR. SHAW replies the meeting will be Tuesday afternoon, and participants will be the Departments of Law and Corrections, and representatives from Senator Leman's and Representative Gail Phillips' offices. Number 095 CHAIRMAN LEMAN notes it is his intent to incorporate DPS's fee collection ideas into SB 267, and he hopes the bill will be ready to release from committee by Wednesday, February 16, 1994.