Number 160 SENATOR LEMAN introduced SJR 8 (CAPITAL PROJECTS/EXPENDITURE LIMIT) and the prime sponsor, SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS. SENATOR PHILLIPS explained this legislation would limit state spending of general fund dollars. SJR 8 also provides that at least 10 percent of the amount appropriated in each fiscal year must be designated for capital project and loans. It has a sunset provision. The expenditure limit can be lifted or exceeded by two- thirds of both the House and the Senate. Any revenues in excess of the expenditure limit will be deposited in the constitutional reserve account. SENATOR PHILLIPS explained why this should be placed before the voters; the legislature collectively has not come to grips with dealing with declining oil revenues, has declining revenues, yet expenditures are going up. SENATOR PHILLIPS said a constitutional amendment was the only way to force the legislature collectively to deal with this problem. There is presently in place a statutory limit, but it doesn't have an enforcement mechanism. Number 215 SENATOR TAYLOR moved to pass SJR 8 from committee with individual recommendations. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.