CHAIRMAN PHILLIPS announced that a resolution to change the title accompanies HB 389-MUNI TAX EXEMPTION: DETERIORATED PROPERTY. SENATOR ELLIS moved to adopt Version F of HB 389 as the working document of the committee. CHAIRMAN PHILLIPS asked Representative Kohring to describe the changes in Version F. REPRESENTATIVE VIC KOHRING, sponsor of HB 389, explained that Version F will put a sunset date of 2006 back in the legislation and adds a retroactive provision so that if the Governor does not sign it into law by June 30, it will be retroactive to June 30, 2002 so that no lapse occurs. CHAIRMAN PHILLIPS noted that without objection to adopting Version F, the motion carried. SENATOR ELLIS moved to calendar HB 389 as amended and SCR 38 [title change] at the Chairman's discretion. CHAIRMAN PHILLIPS noted that without objection, the motion carried.