SB 19-CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT/SOC SEC. #  SENATOR PHILLIPS said he wanted assurance that all of the repeal sections should be included in the bill. He asked for an explanation of Section 14. MS. BARBARA MIKLOS, Director of the Child Support Enforcement Division (CSED), said the repeals in Section 14 are the repeals of the original sunsets on the first bill. Sections 1 through 13 put new sunsets on the language pertaining to social security and the financial data match. She noted she does not understand the one that refers to canned salmon. MR. KEVIN SHORES, Human Services Division, Department of Law, explained that two child support laws were passed; Chapter 87, SLA 1997 and Chapter 132, SLA 1998. Those were the principal legislative vehicles in which federal welfare reform requirements were implemented in the state. Those two pieces of law contained sunset provisions. The primary effect of Section 14 is to repeal those sunset provisions. He noted that according to the sectional analysis, a portion of that section refers to Senator Austerman's canned salmon processor reporting bill. He believes that was included because changes were made to the canned salmon reporting requirement law independent of the child support provisions. Those involved with the canned salmon reporting requirement do not want those changes to sunset. SENATOR ELLIS moved to calendar all versions of SB 19. There being no objection, the motion carried.