CHAIRMAN KELLY brought SB 233 - ALCOHOL: BD/REC. SITES/POLICE & ARRESTS before the committee and directed attention to a proposed Rules committee substitute. TIM BENINTENDI, staff to the Senate Rules Committee, outlined the following changes in the proposed Rules CS: - It deletes Sections 1,4 and 6 of the Finance version. - It also changes the effective date to an immediate effective date. - The title is amended to reflect the removal of Sections 1,4 and 6. Mr. Benintendi pointed out that Section 2 of the legislation defines "golf course" and adds it to the definition of "recreational site." Also the phrase "means, but is not limited to" is being deleted because the word "includes" was added on line 1, page 2. He explained the phrase is not needed because there is a provision in statute providing that whenever the words "includes" or "including" are used, it is inferred that the phrase "but not limited to" is included in that definition. SENATOR LEMAN asked what the practical effect of the legislation was. LARRY STEVENS, staff to Senator Bert Sharp, explained that the current law covers the sale of beer and wine before and after special events, and this legislation will allow the sale of beer and wine while recreation is occurring. SENATOR DUNCAN voiced his concern that the phrase "while recreation is occurring" expands this beyond when an actual event is occurring. He believes it opens it up so that beverages could be sold anytime there is recreational activity at a recreational site, not just an actual event. SENATOR TAYLOR moved adoption of CSSB 233(RLS), version "Q." There being no objection, the Rules CS was adopted. SENATOR TORGERSON moved CSSB 233(RLS) be approved for calendaring at the discretion of the Chair. Hearing no objection, the motion carried.