CHAIRMAN HALFORD brought HB 180 am (AHFC HOUSING INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS) before the committee as the next order of business. SENATOR LITTLE directed attention to a proposed amendment to HB 180. She explained it keeps the intent of the bill intact and allows flexibility in areas where an ICBO certified inspector isn't reasonably available, as well as allowing for the inspector to make a case-by-case determination. She believes it is a better way to handle the problem than the video tape idea as proposed in the bill before the committee. DAVID HARDING, staff to the prime sponsor of the legislation, Representative Eileen MacLean, said it was unclear exactly what the amendment would accomplish. He thinks the approval on a case-by- case basis would be overly burdensome to AHFC. He also pointed out that in vast areas of the Bush there aren't any ICBO inspectors, because the volume of new construction is so small. The intent of the bill was to create some built in flexibility and opportunity for some qualified people to be able to do these inspections without having each case reviewed by AHFC. He noted AHFC thinks the language proposed in the bill is fine. SENATOR LITTLE said her real problem is with the video taping and the possible liability. She has been a building inspector and she can see a situation where a person video taping a structure could avoid an area, either purposely or accidently, and could miss a big problem with a structure. CHAIRMAN HALFORD asked Mr. Harding if he thought the sponsor would object to having inspections performed by a licensed architect or by a license engineer, whether or not the inspections are in rural areas. SENATOR LITTLE commented that she would like to keep the rural provision in there since that's where the difficulty is. She said she would be willing to work with the sponsor to come up with something that gets the problem resolved, but is a little more acceptable. CHAIRMAN HALFORD stated action on HB 180 am would be withheld until Senator Little and the sponsor get together to discuss her concerns.