HJR 26-STATEHOOD/ANCSA LAND SURVEY FUNDING  4:45:27 PM CO-CHAIR MCGUIRE announced consideration of HJR 26. CRYSTAL KOENEMAN, aide to Representative Fairclough, sponsor of HJR 26, said at statehood Alaska was granted a land entitlement from the federal government of approximately 103 million acres. Alaska Natives, through the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANSCA), were granted a land entitlement from the federal government of 45 million acres. Currently, Congress is not sufficiently budgeting the enough funds to the US Bureau of Land Management for the timely completion of land surveys for lands that were promised to the Natives in the State of Alaska. It was supposed to be done by the 50th statehood anniversary, which has come and gone. 4:47:08 PM CO-CHAIR MCGUIRE noted that there is an amendment in the packet and asked if she supported it. MS. KOENEMAN answered absolutely, and that the amendment had updated numbers since the resolution was first introduced last year. CO-CHAIR MCGUIRE moved to adopt Amendment 1. 26-LS0739\R.2 Bullock AMENDMENT 1 OFFERED IN THE SENATE Page 2, line 8: Delete "December 31, 2008, more than 66,000,000" Insert "January 31, 2010, more than 57,000,000" Page 2, line 9: Delete "40,000,000" Insert "42,000,000" Page 2, line 10: Delete "14,000,000" Insert "15,000,000" Page 2, line 11: Delete "12,000,000" Insert "7,000,000" There being no objection, the motion carried. CO-CHAIR WIELECHOWSKI asked what the importance is of getting a land patent. MS. KOENEMAN replied that she would get an official response back to him, but it makes the land transfers easier. 4:48:52 PM CO-CHAIR MCGUIRE finding no further testimony, closed public testimony and held HJR 26 as amended.