SENATOR MILLER announced HB 266 (ELIGIBILITY FOR GUIDE-OUTFITTER LICENSE) to be up for consideration. SENATOR GAIL PHILLIPS, Sponsor, said this bill does affect the guide-outfitter/master guide-outfitter licenses. It seeks to extend the Big Game Commercial Services Board's statutory authority to June 30, 1997, broaden the statute in one section to enable compliance with a court decision in Cobb v. State, and reenact and define the master/guide license. SENATOR ZHAROFF asked how a person became a registered guide. PAUL JOHNSON, Chairman, Master Guide Commercial Service Board, said there are 2 different ways. One system goes through a class A guide which tries to assist those in rural areas. The other way is to become an assistant guide for 3 years. SENATOR ZHAROFF said one of the complaints he hears a lot is that the master guides don't live in the state. MR. JOHNSON said there are legal constraints, but they have pursued having a different fee for out of state guides. There aren't really that many. He said the Board was trying to work with local people to protect them if the federal government takes over, because of the subsistence issue. SENATOR MILLER said it his intent to work on the bill over the weekend and bring it back on Monday.