SB 211-AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS/LOANS/SALES  2:07:51 PM CHAIR BJORKMAN reconvened the meeting and announced the consideration of SENATE BILL NO. 211 "An Act relating to the powers of the board of agriculture and conservation; relating to loans and limitations under the Alaska Agricultural Loan Act; relating to federal crop insurance contributions; relating to municipal and state procurement preferences for agricultural products harvested in the state and fisheries products harvested or processed in the state; and providing for an effective date." CHAIR BJORKMAN stated that the committee adopted CSSB 211 [work order 33-GS2386\B] on April 12, 2024, as its working document. 2:08:43 PM CHAIR BJORKMAN solicited the will of the committee. 2:08:47 PM SENATOR GRAY-JACKSON moved to report CSSB 211, work order 33- GS2386\B, as amended, from committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal note from the [Department of Natural Resources, OMB Component Number 455, dated April 8, 2024.] 2:09:15 PM CHAIR BJORKMAN found no objection and CSSB 211 (L&C) was reported from the Senate Labor and Commerce Standing Committee.