CSHB 383(L&C)-DENTIST LICENSE EXAM EXCEPTION  4:22:30 PM CHAIR ELLIS announced CSHB 383(L&C) to be up for consideration. KAREN LIDSTER, staff to Representative Coghill, sponsor of HB 383, explained this bill makes a small change to be able to capture the expertise of our military personnel that have been working in the dental field for years, but have been promoted to positions of supervision. On page 2, lines 14-15, "or a full time dental supervisory position in an agency of or the armed forces of the United States" was added after "clinical practice averaging at least 20 hours a week". 4:24:31 PM CHAIR ELLIS asked if there is any known opposition. MS. LIDSTER replied none. It is supported by the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, the Dental Society and the Division of Occupational Licensing. CHAIR ELLIS asked if this hasn't caused a turf concern with current licensed dentists in the state. MS. LIDSTER replied no. 4:25:27 PM DR. DAVID EICHLER, representing himself, North Pole, said he is also the president of the Board of Dental Examiners, and supported HB 383. It allows a pathway to licensure for some very highly skilled and competent people who might otherwise leave the state. SENATOR STEVENS asked if he had any qualms at all about someone in a command position being able to keep up with changes in dentistry. DR. EICHLER replied no. He explained that the other credentials for licensure that this bill would be a subsection say they have to be licensed in another state for their whole career, they've practiced dentistry for long years already, they don't reach the command positions until they are a full colonel or close to it, which is about 20 years. They maintain really high standards of continuing education and practice in an environment with other professionals in developing their skills. If they are out of the clinical setting with their practice, they go back and redevelop their skills as any other professional would. It's like any other skill - it becomes a part of you. He didn't have any problems with granting licensure to some in that position. 4:30:36 PM SENATOR STEVENS said it makes a lot of sense, and if they had a lot of time he would ask for something in writing from the Dental Society. He asked if something like that already was available. MS. LIDSTER replied she didn't have correspondence from the Dental Society, but the executive director has communicated he was comfortable with this bill. SENATOR STEVENS said that made it okay with him. CHAIR ELLIS asked if that person testified on public record in the House or was it just a conversation with staff. MS. LIDSTER replied it wasn't on the public record, but they had the conversation with Dr. Eichler. CHAIR ELLIS asked her for some kind of correspondence from the Dental Society in support of this bill to put in the bill's file. 4:32:58 PM SENATOR DAVIS moved to report CSHB 383 (L&C) from committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal note(s). There were no objections and it was so ordered.