CSHB 297(RLS)-PRACTICE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE    11:16:01 AM CHAIR ELLIS announced CSHB 297(RLS) to be up for consideration. REPRESENTATIVE MARK NEUMAN, sponsor of HB 297, explained that it allows the Alaska State Board of Veterinary Medicine to issue a particular permit to students who are in their fourth year of professional licensing practicing veterinary medicine. The permit would allow them to practice inside of a veterinary clinic in Alaska to get some experience before practicing on their own. Alaska has less than 200 veterinarians and about 70 technicians and more need to be encouraged to come up and stay. He said HB 297 somewhat cleans up language by allowing the mailing of the student permits by the Department of Commerce, Community & Economic Development, Division of Occupational Licensing. It exempts certain people from obtaining a special license if they already have a federal license - if they are practicing on a military base or if they are licensed by the military or a federal agency. It also allows for a special permit for people who have a special field of medicine to come up to work at the Alaska Zoo or the Sea Life Center. SENATOR STEVENS asked the position of the State Veterinary Association. REPRESENTATIVE NEUMAN replied HB 297 is fully supported by the Association and veterinarians across the state of Alaska. 11:19:34 AM JENNIFER STRIKLER, Licensing Chief, Division of Corporations, Businesses and Professional Licensing, Department of Commerce, Community & Economic Development, fully supported CSHB 297(RLS). She said the Board of Veterinary Examiners has wanted to make these changes for a number of years. CHAIR ELLIS noted that an email from Nelson Pridy, President, Alaska State Veterinary Medical Association, saying that an issue relating to reporting of animal cruelty will be addressed by the Board of Veterinary Examiners in its May meeting. MS. STRIKLER responded that is correct. Reporting of cruelty to animals has been a concern of some veterinarians who had issues because the board didn't take the issue up and sought to encourage change by statute. However, the board has promised to address their concerns on this issue at its May meeting. She explained that she and her staff have gone through the records to make sure they didn't miss a concern that was brought before the board even though Dr. Bowser, member of the board, testified before House Rules that in his five years with the board the issue about reporting cruelty to animals had never been brought up. CHAIR ELLIS said cruelty to animals has existed forever, unfortunately, and asked if it's now an official board item. MS. STRIKLER replied yes. CHAIR ELLIS said CSHB 297(RLS) would be held for further work.