CSHB 242(L&C)-EXAM FOR CPA'S  CHAIR BUNDE announced CSHB 242(L&C) to be up for consideration. MS. SARAH WRIGHT, staff to Representative Mike Hawker, sponsor, said HB 242 updates Alaska statute to recognize changes in the standardized testing procedures for Certified Public Accountants adopted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). The Alaska Board of Public Accountancy has been administering this nationally used test since the 1960s that CPAs are required to pass. The examination will change from a paper and pencil format to a computerized examination in May 2004. Current Alaska statute requires a written examination. HB 242 makes the test acceptable in any form. It also allows the Board to establish by regulation what constitutes a passing grade using AICPA prepared exam regulations. The AICPA provides national uniformity of scheduling credits and passing requirements. Several sections of Alaska statute would be repealed for consistency with a computerized exam and transitional language is provided for people who have begun the CPA exam process and are now moving into the computerized exam arena. She noted that the Division of Occupational Licensing helped to draft the bill. SENATOR STEVENS assumed the paper and pencil test is taken in front of an examiner and asked if that will be true of the computer tests. MS. WRIGHT replied yes. CHAIR BUNDE asked if they have questions about security concerns. MS. WRIGHT replied none that she was aware of. SENATOR STEVENS moved to pass CSHB 242(L&C) with individual recommendations and its zero fiscal note. SENATORS DAVIS, FRENCH, STEVENS, and BUNDE voted yea and it passed out of committee.