SB 53-EXTENDING THE BD. OF BARBERS/HAIRDRESSERS    MS. BRAKES testified that SB 53 amends Title 8, Chapter 3, Section 10 to extend the Board of Barbers and Hairdressers an additional four years from June 30, 2001 to June 30, 2005. She said there was a $0 fiscal note and a letter of support from Cheryl Sutton, Chair of the Board. She said the auditors found, "The Board benefits the public by establishing minimum education and experience requirements that provide reasonable assurance that persons licensed are qualified." MS. REARDON said she also supported SB 53. SENATOR AUSTERMAN asked her to explain the fiscal note. MS. REARDON explained that the second page of the fiscal note provides information about expenditures for FY 99/00. They license for two-year periods and need to look at two years of revenue to see if a program is paying for itself. She did not see an over- collection in the cycle. Deficits and surpluses are rolled forward from prior years. She also explained that all licenses renew in the same fiscal year and that's why there is a high revenue year and a low revenue year. In FY 99, they collected $65,000 from new entrants into the profession. The high year was 2000. They would all be renewing this August 31 which would show up on 2002 revenues. She added that they adjusted fees about six months ago to implement a law making licenses the same price. SENATOR LEMAN moved to pass CS 53 from committee with individual recommendations. There were no objections and it was so ordered.