HB 382-SOCIAL WORKER LICENSING    CHAIRMAN MACKIE announced HB 382 to be up for consideration. MS. MYRNA MCGHIE, aide to Representative James, sponsor, told the Committee that Representative James introduced legislation in 1998 that prohibits the use of the title of "social worker" to be used without a license. That legislation also established the minimum qualifications for each level of social work licensure. Since enacted, DFYS found the restrictions in the bill to have created hiring problems. Social workers needed time to meet the new licensing requirements. Representative James introduced HB 382 to amend the current laws to allow temporary licensing for up to one year for newly hired social workers providing they have met all necessary requirements other than the licensing exam. MS. CATHERINE REARDON, Director of the Division of Occupational Licensing, DCED, expressed support for HB 382. With no further testimony or questions, SENATOR DONLEY moved HB 382 from committee with individual recommendations. There were no objections and it was so ordered.