SB 359 - INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX CHAIRMAN LEMAN announced SB 359 to be up for consideration. MS. BARBARA HUFF TUCKNESS, Teamsters Local 959, said she supported SB 359. The particular portion of the bill that impacts the Teamster members they represent in the Anchorage school district, although it affects other school districts, as well as cities around the State, is the two percent retaliatory tax that is applied to insurance companies that are domiciled in the state of Washington. Currently, in Alaska there is only one insurance company that fits that particular criteria, Blue Cross, which has the health insurance policy for the Anchorage school district. She asked for their support in passing this bill that would repeal that tax. Their members are currently paying a little over $100 per year to cover the tax and it has nothing to do with the level of benefit coverage they are receiving. SENATOR KELLY asked if Blue Cross said they would actually return the premium tax back to the consumer. MS. HUFF TUCKNESS said that was her understanding. SENATOR KELLY asked if they could get a letter from Blue Cross to that affect. MS. HUFF TUCKNESS said she would make that request. SENATOR MACKIE moved CSSB 359(L&C) from Committee with individual recommendations. There were no objections and it was so ordered.