SENATOR KELLY announced SB 91 MEDICAID COVERAGE OF MIDWIFE SERVICES to be up for consideration. MARILYN HOLMES, Consumers of Midwifery, said she chose midwifery from all of the options available to her, because she thought it was the best care she could have. She quoted an article from REASON MAGAZINE that supported her view and which said midwifery is a wave of the future. MS. HOLMES explained that midwifery is a sustained, high quality, individualized system for birth. It emphasizes health for the mother. She noted that America has shockingly high incidence of infant mortality. She said use of this method reduces health care costs, because of the individualized attention and because the traditional obstetric method forces a doctor, because of insurance, etc. to use technologies which cost a lot and lead to more caesarians. Midwives have a caesarian section rate 50% - 70% lower than physician attended births in comparable populations. SENATOR LEMAN, sponsor, said he would answer questions. SENATOR SALO asked if in the Senate HESS Committee didn't they just put direct entry midwives onto the medicaid list? The title of SB 91 said they should reorder the priority of optional services. SENATOR LEMAN said that is correct and this places the direct entry midwives first in case there is a shortage of funds. It doesn't change any of the other orders. It doesn't bump anybody else. SUSAN KIGGINS, Anchorage, supported SB 91. She said she would like the choice to decide who would deliver her children and where. JAY (Indistinct), Anchorage, supported SB 91. SENATOR SALO moved to pass CS SSSB91 from Committee with individual recommendations. There were no objections and it was so ordered.