SJR 15-CALL FOR US COUNTERMAND CONVENTION  SCR 4-US COUNTERMAND CONVENTION DELEGATES  2:49:28 PM CHAIR MCGUIRE announced the consideration of SJR 15 and SCR 4. 2:49:40 PM ORIN BROWN, Intern, Senator Bill Stoltze introduced SJR 15 and SCR 4 on behalf of the sponsor, speaking to the following sponsor statement: [Original punctuation provided.] Recent actions taken by the Federal Government constitute an unprecedented level of overreach in Alaska. SJR 15 and SCR 4 seek to restore the balance of power between the states and federal government. The pair of resolutions would strengthen state sovereignty by providing states with veto (countermand) power over federal decisions deemed not in their best interest by establishing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. These two resolutions in tandem are intended to start the process of amending the US Constitution via the powers granted in Article V. SJR 15 (The Application) provides Alaska's call to Congress for a clearly defined, single-issue Countermand Amendment Convention. The Countermand Amendment to the United States Constitution, when ratified, will allow states to propose Countermand Initiatives, which upon approval by three-fifths of the state legislatures, will repeal any federal statute, executive order, judicial decision, or regulatory decision listed in the Initiative. SCR 4 (The Delegate Resolution) enables the state legislature to institute parameters for the convention, ensuring that a "runaway convention" is not possible, and provides for a productive, safe and timely process. The Delegate Resolution establishes a Credential Committee for selection of delegates to the convention, and outlines the duties of the delegates. SCR 4 also includes the language of the proposed Countermand Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. These two resolutions do not pertain to a conservative versus liberal agenda; this is a state versus federal issue. Passage of these resolutions is an actionable step the Legislature can take toward restoration of the proper balance of state and federal powers. 2:52:46 PM MIKE COONS, National Director, Citizens Initiatives, Palmer, Alaska, testified in support of SJR 15 and SCR 4. He described SJR 15 as the vehicle to get the ball rolling and SCR 4 as the key. SJR 15 defines the convention rules, the function of the delegates, the language of the amendment, and that state legislators are in control of the delegates and the ultimate outcome of the convention. SCR 4 defines the convention. He discussed the credentials committee explaining that legislators will appoint the delegates, establish the rules, and provide guidance during the convention. He said that some states may want to make amendments to the Countermand Amendment language and those would be brought to the legislature for approval or denial. Once 26 states vote to approve the language, the convention would end and the language would be forwarded to Congress for the ratification process. He clarified that 34 states are needed to make an application for the convention and 26 or more states are needed for a quorum to pass the amendment. He stressed that this convention follows art. V, Constitution of the United States. Each state has one vote so Alaska has the same authority as New York. MR. COONS reported that following ratification the vision is to assemble a national strategy steering committee to research the federal rules, regulations, laws, executive orders, and judicial decisions that are of most concern to the freedoms, liberties, and direction of the states. The committee then would pass resolutions to repeal the problems and submit the proposed resolution to the state legislatures for committee hearings and final passage. This process has citizen involvement at the grassroots level. 2:59:17 PM SENATOR COGHILL expressed hope that Mr. Coons would return for a subsequent hearing because time was short today to debate the issue. CHAIR MCGUIRE solicited a motion to adopt the proposed judiciary versions of the resolutions. 3:00:00 PM SENATOR COGHILL motioned to adopt the work draft committee substitute (CS) for SJR 15, labeled 29-LS0425\H, as the working document. CHAIR MCGUIRE announced that without objection, version H was before the committee. 3:00:37 PM SENATOR COGHILL motioned to adopt the work draft committee substitute (CS) for SCR 4, labeled 29-LS0548\W, as the working document. CHAIR MCGUIRE announced that without objection, version W was before the committee. SENATOR COGHILL offered his understanding that the committee substitutes contain conforming language that the House is also considering. [SJR 15 and SCR 4 were held in committee for further consideration.]