SCR 2-ACQUIRE TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST LAND  CHAIR COGHILL reconvened the meeting and announced the consideration of SCR 2. "Urging the United States Congress to act on the request of the governor to acquire for the state additional land in the Tongass National Forest from the United States government by purchase or negotiation or by seeking amendment to the Alaska Statehood Act." This was the third hearing and there was a new committee substitute (CS). 1:46:02 PM SENATOR DYSON moved to adopt CS for SCR 2, labeled 28-LS0676\N, as the working document. CHAIR COGHILL objected for purposes of an explanation. 1:46:53 PM CHRISTIE JAMIESON, Staff, Senator Bert Stedman, Alaska State Legislature, Juneau, Alaska, stated that the changes found in Version U of SCR 2 were agreed upon with DNR. She noted that the Alaska Forest Association and legislative research helped prepare answers to nine questions the Senate Judiciary Committee asked and they were provided to the committee on 2/17/14. She described the changes found in Version N. · Page 1, lines 1-4, urge the U.S. Congress to act on the request of the governor to acquire for the state additional land in the Tongass National Forest. · Page 2, line 1, the language following the word "Act" was amended and now reads "have not yet been conveyed". · Page 3, lines 2-3, the language following "Southeast Alaska," was amended and now reads "it is time for the United States Congress to act on the governor's request to acquire additional land in the Tongass National Forest". · Page 3, line 8, the language following "400,000 acres" was amended and now reads "with the intention of preserving timber for federal long-term sales". · Page 3, line 12, the word "select" was replaced with the word "acquire". · Page 3, line 13, following "forest" the words "without being limited to using that land for recreation and community expansion" was deleted. · Page 3, lines 16-17, the words "governor to either" was deleted and language was inserted that reads "United States Congress to Act [sic] on the governor's request to". · Page 3, line 19, the phrase "state fails to acquire" was replaced with "United States Congress fails to convey". · Page 3, line 26, the name "Ken Salazar" was replaced with "Sally Jewell". · Page 3, line 27, following "Interior;" insert "the Honorable Tom Vilsack". 1:53:01 PM CHAIR COGHILL removed his objection and Version N was adopted. 1:53:34 PM SENATOR DYSON moved to report CS for SCR 2, Version N, from committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal note(s. CHAIR COGHILL announced that without objection CSSCR 2(JUD) moved from the Senate Judiciary Standing Committee.