CSHB 2(JUD)(title am)-CIVIL STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS/SEXOFFENSES  CHAIR SEEKINS announced CSHB 2(JUD) (title am) to be up for consideration. REPRESENTATIVE KEVIN MEYER, sponsor of HB 2, said that Pam Finley, Reviser of Statutes, answered both of Senator Ogan's questions from the previous meeting. SENATOR OGAN agreed that he was satisfied. REPRESENTATIVE MEYERS said deleting section 4, which pertains to the retroactive provision, would be unclear to the courts and add fodder to attorneys to argue whether the statute of limitations should be what they were prior to 2001. Leaving it makes their intent perfectly clear; that they want them to go into effect when the bill is actually passed. SENATOR OGAN moved to pass CSHB 2(JUD)(title am) with the attached fiscal notes from committee with individual recommendations. There was no objection and it was so ordered.