HB 11 DRIVERS LICENSE REQUIREMENTS FOR MINORS  SENATOR PARNELL moved to adopt amendment #1 (0-LS0093\A.1) and asked for an explanation. BARBARA HUFTUCKNESS, Director of the Governmental and Legislative Affairs for the Teamsters Union, explained the amendment addresses the need to provide a driver improvement program designed for youth of a particular age group. The program is more tailored toward the psychological aspects of youth. SENATOR PARNELL asked Ms. Hensley to address the fiscal note. JUANITA HENSLEY, Chief of Driver Services, Department of Public Safety, explained the fiscal note reflects $163,000 of revenue, and $108,000 in operating costs for the first year; $77,100 of the operating costs are federal receipts. The amendment will have no impact on the fiscal note. It will create a pro-active program to train youth drivers by designing programs specifically for that age group. It will also allow DPS to contract with third parties to provide training upon approval of the curriculum. The program is showing positive results in other jurisidictions. SENATOR PARNELL asked if DPS supports the amendment. MS. HENSLEY said it does. CHAIRMAN TAYLOR noted there was no objection to the amendment, therefore it was adopted. SENATOR PARNELL moved HB 11 from committee as amended with individual recommendations. There being no objection, the motion carried.