SENATOR DONLEY presented a Letter of Intent for SJR 39 (RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS) which discusses three points of concern. The first paragraph speaks to the applicability of SJR 39 to private action. The second paragraph addresses the appropriate standard for SJR 39, a strict scrutiny standard is required. Paragraph three recognizes existing laws limiting felons from owning firearms, although they may not have been convicted of a violent felony. He explained that the legislature found that if a felony is committed, that disregard of the law can justify the legislature limiting access and possession of firearms. He said that the goal of paragraph three is to defend existing firearm limitations on felons from a constitutional challenge under the new constitutional standard. CHAIRMAN TAYLOR suggested that Senator Donley circulate the Letter of Intent to have comments. He scheduled the Letter of Intent for the next hearing. He thanked Senator Donley for his work.