SJR 13-CONST. AM: PROHIBIT ABORTION/FUNDING  2:26:33 PM CHAIR WILSON announced the consideration of SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 13, "Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Alaska relating to abortion." CHAIR WILSON noted that the committee heard an overview of the resolution, took invited testimony, and began public testimony. Today the committee will continue public testimony. 2:27:18 PM KARINA KOWALSKI, representing self, Fairbanks, Alaska, said that when she was 19, she had two children, was on state assistance, and got pregnant after her birth control failed. She was terrified about the future for her children. Almost all her paycheck went to childcare and all three of them were sleeping on her grandma's futon. She had an abortion at 10 weeks and had an IUD inserted and has not had any unplanned pregnancies since then. A few years later she was able to get off state assistance. She said she does not regret her decision because she does not know where she would be today if her third pregnancy had continued. She said she is grateful for Planned Parenthood and that the state does not force women to give birth. 2:29:33 PM JUSTINE COOKE, representing self, Bethel and St. Mary's, Alaska, said she understands that it is unethical to order medical professionals to perform abortions. She offered her belief that this resolution does not favor the people in Alaska but would be a show of power and control by extremists over individuals. She expressed concern that it would remove pathways for families in poverty. It would show the dominance of colonization by taking away choice from the less-dominant group. Learned helplessness is the term describing people who have little control over their lives. She had the choice of abortion during her pregnancy, but she did not choose it. However, she believes pregnancy should be a choice. She asked the committee to make a choice in favor of the less fortunate groups in Alaska. 2:32:03 PM PHILLIP MORIN, representing self, Kenai, Alaska, said he would read a letter written by Bob Bird, a retired schoolteacher and former president of Alaska Right to Life. Mr. Bird is currently a radio talk show host for KSRM. He read: Abortion is a crime against humanity. The legalization of abortion by Alaska in 1970 will stand as a blight and a disgrace in the eyes of history. By enacting a constitutional amendment that states abortion is not recognized as a right, the state would be playing into the hands of leftists to favor legal abortion. The amendment would recognize things that are not constitutional. The courts have no authority to grant new rights. That is for the legislature and the people. The legislature already has the constitutional authority to halt the court's creation of abortion as a fundamental, constitutional right. Through ignorance and cowardice, the legislature has not called the judiciary's bluff. It is arguably another impeachable offense for the courts to mandate public funding of abortion. This violates the power of the purse reserved to the legislature. 2:34:37 PM CATHLEEN ROLPH, representing self, Soldotna, Alaska, said abortion is an emotional decision that should be left up to a woman and her doctor, not the state. There are differing philosophies about when a fetus is a person. There are many moral traditions. The U.S. Constitution bestowed the freedom of religion on citizens. The government has no right to force one religious tradition on all women. Thanks to Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal. Women are free to decide not to get an abortion. The lack of access to abortion does not reduce abortion and at least eight percent of maternal deaths worldwide are from unsafe abortions. 2:37:16 PM KATHLEEN TAYLOR YOKEL, representing self, Fairbanks, Alaska, said as a woman, it is unconscionable, arrogant, and overreaching that anyone could believe he or she has the right to interfere with any decision between herself and her physician. She related her mother's experience with two unplanned pregnancies while she was on birth control, after her doctor had warned her not to have any more children for medical reasons. It was more prudent for her mother to have two abortions to live and care for her three children. Those who try to control women's reproductive freedom by interfering with their medical care must be stopped. 2:39:37 PM JEAN JAMES, representing self, Fairbanks, Alaska, said she is a mother and grandmother who is urging the committee not to move SJR 13 out of committee. She asked members to focus on important issues facing Alaska, including the fiscal crisis, mental health issues, permanent fund dividend issues, and increasing Alaska's revenue. Medical decisions should be left to doctors and their patients. Women and doctors should not be criminalized or jailed for seeking essential health care. Restricting abortions or making them illegal does not prevent them. She said it is ironic that people who do not want government in their lives support this. The best way to reduce the number of abortions is to increase access to birth control and sex education that goes beyond abstinence. Countries that have legal abortion, easy access to birth control, and excellent sex education have the lowest abortion rates, she said. 2:41:37 PM KAREN LEWIS, Alaska Right to Life, Mat-Su, Alaska, said SJR 13 is a good amendment. It is simple and to the point. It protects human life. Previous testifiers discussed babies as if these babies were nothing to be considered. People have become callous because of Roe v. Wade. It was estimated that 5,000 women got abortions before that decision, but since then at least a million have been performed. SJR 13 enforces what the Declaration of Independence states, that people are endowed with certain inalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. She offered her belief that Planned Parenthood kills babies for a hefty fee and sells baby body parts. 2:44:04 PM KAREN CRANDALL, Alaska Right to Life, Wasilla, Alaska, said SJR 13 is a great amendment, one that is simple and to the point, to protect human life. The Bible says, "You knit me together in my mother's womb. I thank you because I am awesomely made. Your works are wonders." She said she made a decision to not abort her baby when she was 20. A fetus is a person. People should keep in mind the 14th amendment, which was made for the protection of human life. She hopes that Americans can stop aborting what is made in the image of God. 2:46:26 PM MARY ANNE BISHOP, representing self, Cordova, Alaska, said she is a single mother with a special-needs child. She is surprised that there is a move to amend the Constitution of the State of Alaska in a way that would take away a woman's right to privacy and reproductive control. Women have a moral right to decide what to do with their bodies. The right to abortion is vital for gender equality. Women have a right to legal and safe abortions. Banning abortions puts women at risk by forcing them to use illegal abortionists. 2:47:40 PM CARL HEDMAN, representing self, Valdez, Alaska, said SJR 13 is an important issue that should be put on the ballot for citizens of the state to decide, just as for the protection of natural resources and marijuana. The citizens of the state should be heard on the important issue of protecting life itself. 2:49:04 PM GREGG MARXMILLER, representing self, Dillingham, Alaska, said SJR 13 is political issue that seeks to divide rather than bring people together. It is not the role of the state to make moral laws, but to make laws that are best for it citizens. Let people make their own decisions about how to live their lives. He said there are many social and economic ramifications to passing something irresponsible like this considering the amount of rape and sexual assault in the state. 2:51:02 PM NOAH WILLIAMS, representing self, Juneau, Alaska, said others have made the moral arguments why the resolution is preposterous. He expressed surprise that people who favor small government seek more power over women's bodies and he does not agree with such laws. He suggested that something should be done to reduce the highest rates of sexual assault in the nation. Even though the legislature and the governor take a tough-on- crime stance, sexual assault crimes have only worsened in the past year. He raised other issues, such that shelves are empty and communities are s5tarving because the Alaska Marine Highway is in dire need of repair, and preparation for Covid-19 has been dangerously sparse. If the legislature wants to save lives, it should increase funding for teen dating violence prevention and sex education, stand up for the ferries and figure out how Alaska will deal with the new [COVID-19] disease. 2:52:42 PM CHERYL LOVEGREEN, representing self, Anchorage, Alaska, said SJR 13 is a terrible bill that would permanently amend the Constitution of the State of Alaska to restrict the right to privacy, ban safe and legal abortion, even for pregnancies resulting from rape and incest. She expressed concern that Alaska has high domestic violence and sexual assault rates. She expressed further concern that banning abortions would lead to illegal abortions that can injure and kill both mother. Alaska needs better health care for teen girls and women, she said. Almost 80 percent of Alaskan voters have doubts about a law that bans abortions. This is a bad bill trying to fill a nonexistent mandate, she said. 2:53:46 PM DIANE PENDERGRAST, representing self, Anchorage, Alaska, said no restrictions should be placed on funding for abortions. No woman should be restricted from abortion services, especially in Alaska with its high rate of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of women. No one wants abortion, but people should not blame or restrict women during one of the hardest times of their lives. She suggested that the legislature should increase funding for abortions to assist women to gain access to providers and support Planned Parenthood, an organization that has helped her. "Could we please just support women," she said. 2:56:10 PM PATRICK MARTIN, Alaska Right to Life, Wasilla, Alaska, said Alaska Right to Life has mild concerns with SJR 13. It follows the examples of Tennessee, West Virginia, and Alabama and renders the constitution neutral on abortion, but abortion proponents are anything but neutral. Babies waiting to be born deserve the same legal protections that others enjoy, legal protections that begin at conception and remain through natural end of life. He expressed concern that SJR 13 is silent on the right to life and neutral about killing babies before birth. He offered his belief that God's design for government requires the protection of innocent human life and the punishment of those who take it. He expressed concern that SJR 13 is silent on the fact that abortion is murder. He asked members to proactively protect babies from the moment of conception. He urged them to look into the merits of passing the Life at Conception Act in addition to SJR 13. 2:58:34 PM CHAIR WILSON closed public testimony. He noted that SJR 13 has about 200 pages of written testimony that is part of the public record. It has two other committees of referral, so there should be opportunity for further testimony. 2:59:07 PM CHAIR WILSON solicited a motion. 2:59:12 PM SENATOR GIESSEL moved to report SJR 13, version 31-LS1398\A, from committee with individual recommendations and attached zero fiscal note(s). There being no objection, SJR 13 was reported from the Senate Health and Social Services Standing Committee.