SCR 18-NOVEMBER 2018: DIABETIC EYE DISEASE MONTH  1:31:42 PM CHAIR WILSON announced the consideration of SCR 18. 1:31:57 PM DAKOTA ORM, Staff, Senator Mia Costello, Alaska State Legislature, presented SCR 18 on behalf of the sponsor. She said among adults with diabetes, more than one-fourth have diabetic retinopathy. According to the National Eye Institute, diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in adults ages 20- 74. With no early symptoms, it is vital to generate awareness to motivate people with diabetes to get regular eye exams. According to the National Eye Institute, early detection, timely treatment, and follow-up can reduce the risk of severe vision loss by 95 percent. Proclaiming November 2018 as Diabetic Eye Disease Month will raise awareness and lower the risk for those living with diabetes as they seek prevention and treatment. SENATOR BEGICH asked what will be done in November if the resolution passes. MS. ORM said November 2018 is Diabetes Awareness Month. Adding in Diabetic Eye Disease Month will further inspire events to include regular eye exams. 1:33:44 PM CHAIR WILSON opened public testimony on SCR 18. MICHAEL LEVITT, Staff, American Academy of Ophthalmology, supported SCR 18. He said this is part of a national observance. Of people age 40 and older, 7.7 million have diabetic retinopathy. This is the most prevalent complication of diabetes. In Alaska that is about 20,000 people. It is not an insignificant problem. It is expected to increase in coming years. If eye exams occur once a year, many problems can be treated. 1:35:23 PM CHAIR WILSON closed public testimony on SCR 18. 1:35:46 PM CHAIR WILSON entertained a motion to move the resolution out of committee. 1:36:01 PM SENATOR GIESSEL moved to report SCR 18, Version 30-LS1445\D, from committee with individual recommendations and attached zero fiscal note. 1:36:14 PM CHAIR WILSON found no objection and SCR 18 passed from the Senate Health and Social Services Standing Committee.