SB 193-LICENSING FOR OPTOMETRY  1:37:00 PM Chair Davis announced consideration of SB 193. 1:37:32 PM SENATOR PASKVAN, sponsor of SB 193, said this bill updates optometric licensure criteria by standardizing the level of optometric licensure as opposed to the current three levels of licensure. This will align Alaska statutes with current education levels that are standard in most optometric schools nationwide. Many states have already passed similar legislation. Alaskans deserve the most current care possible and continuing to license less than the standard education levels puts citizens at risk, he said. The Labor and Commerce Committee introduced the bill at the request of the Board of Optometry. 1:39:00 PM JILL MATHESON, OD and Chair, Alaska State Optometry Board, said the Optometric Association is also advocating for SB 193 on the board's behalf. She related the bill contains some housekeeping changes but the focus is to have one uniform level of licensure. It's in the best interest of the public to have all optometrists qualified at the same level. The bill does not change the scope of practice or allow any more privileges and it doesn't remove the requirements that the Legislature put in place several years ago. A grandfather clause is included so that current lower level licensees could continue to practice under a restricted license. The restricted license could be upgraded once the educational requirements have been met. 1:40:07 PM SENATOR DYSON joined the meeting. CHAIR DAVIS closed public testimony and noted that the bill didn't appear to have any opposition. SENATOR PASKVAN moved to report SB 193 from committee with individual recommendations and attached zero fiscal note(s). There being no objection, SB 193 moved from the Senate Health and Social Services Standing Committee.