HB 282-UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEE RESEARCH CONTRACTS  REPRESENTATIVE HUGH FATE, the bill sponsor, testified that HB 282 allows the president of the university to contract with an employee of the university for intellectual property specific to the research done by that employee. This contractual arrangement benefits not only the university, but also the state because of the potential for accrued proceeds from these business relationships through profit and royalties. This takes pressure off of recruitment and helps to retain top professors; it supplements their incomes, but also supplements the income, regard, and prestige of the university for which they work. The bill has been held up before because of regulations concerning ethics, as it's not allowed under current statute and regulation. Many universities have done this. For example, there were over 500 patents from Stanford alone, this past year. This also takes pressure off of the general fund in the event that business enterprises are wildly successful. SENATOR LYDA GREEN expressed concern. She referred to the third paragraph of President Mark Hamilton's letter of support and read as follows: "Such constraints tend to force researchers to choose between exporting their intellectual property without continuing support, and giving up their university employment. This climate provides little incentive for researchers to focus on technologies that are subject to commercialization." She said it seems simple that during an employee's tenure as a professor or researcher - whether through grant, federal, or state funding - that the information gained would certainly be the university's property as well. She remarked that the issue is that an employee can leave with that intellectual property without the university accruing anything. "I have an idea that problem is bigger than we are, and that's probably a subject of debate all across universities in the world." She pointed out that in the private market this would never be allowed. REPRESENTATIVE FATE said he couldn't specifically answer that concern, but those items would probably be taken up in the contracts and agreements. "In our particular case because we have not done much of this, it would be uncertain in my mind." SENATOR GREEN responded that this was a very important issue to be taking up, emphasizing that the protection of that information and the benefit accruing to the university - if it's done in the university lab, on computers, with help, with the whole thing that goes with it - was her main concern. CHAIR DYSON asked if contrary or negative testimony had been heard on this bill. MR. JIM POUND, Staff to Representative Fate, responded that negative comments had not been offered in the other body's committee process. SENATOR GARY WILKEN moved to report HB 282 from committee with individual recommendations [and zero fiscal notes, as mentioned by the Chair]. CHAIR DYSON asked if there was any objection. Seeing and hearing none, it was so ordered.