SB 11-COMPULSORY SCHOOL AGE  SENATOR THERRIAULT, sponsor of SB 11, provided the committee with a list of the 12 exemptions from the public education requirement provided in statute. He pointed out that he tried to figure out whether there is a different way to get at the problem, which occurs when parents enroll their children in public education at the age of 5 or 6, but send their children to school sporadically Until the child is of mandatory school age at age 7. Both teachers and students are challenged in such situations, and often school becomes a negative experience at an early stage for those students. SENATOR THERRIAULT pointed out the list of 12 exemptions is not impacted by SB 11. The exemptions allow a child to be withheld from public school if the child is being educated by a parent or legal guardian. Therefore, any parent who wants to keep his or her child out of the public school system can legally do so, but once a child is enrolled, SB 11 will require that child to attend on a regular basis. VICE-CHAIR LEMAN announced that he would hold SB 11 until Monday, when Chairwoman Green is in attendance. SENATOR THERRIAULT said he is willing to discuss any ideas committee members may have as to how to approach this problem. He stated this problem pertains to 1 percent of students.