SB 148 PUBLIC LIBRARIES  Number 200 CHAIRMAN WILKEN noted that SB 146 would not be taken up today, but would be before the committee on Wednesday. Chairman Wilken announced that SB 148 was the last order of business before the committee. MARY JACKSON , Staff to Senator Torgerson, informed the committee that SB 148 is a companion to HB 197. SB 148 establishes a definition of public library in order to provide a criteria for funding libraries under existing grant programs. GEORGE SMITH , Deputy Director of the Division of Libraries, Archives & Museums, discussed the history of Alaska's support of public libraries. Mr. Smith noted that the $1 to $1 match of the grant program has not been possible for a number of years, every library receives the basic $5,000 grant. The match has been prorated and in recent years, no more than $2,000 match has been provided. In the last three or four years, no library has received more than $7,000. Mr. Smith explained that about five years ago, a number of libraries requested that a law defining a public library be developed. SB 148 was developed through the work of Public Library Directors of the 19 largest libraries in Alaska. The legislation was also reviewed by the Education Subcommittee of the Alaska Municipal League who would like to see SB 148 move forward. Number 285 SB 148 addresses two major issues. Firstly, SB 148 addresses some administrative issues found in the following sections. Section 6 specifies the minimum levels of service that a public library should provide to be eligible for a grant. Section 5 provides a structure for Library Boards if the community decides to have such. Mr. Smith noted that many cities do not have such a board, rather the city council acts in that capacity. Section 2 requires nonprofit corporations that run public libraries to conduct board meetings in public. Of Alaska's 85 public libraries, 22 are operated by nonprofit corporations. Section 6 allows nonprofits in unorganized boroughs, outside of cities to qualify as a community per the Department of Community & Regional Affairs definition of community. Secondly, SB 148 radically restructures the nature of the grant program which is located in Section 3. Currently, a community can receive a $5,000 grant without any local effort. There is a matching portion that does require local effort. SB 148 specifies that a library would not be eligible for a grant without local effort at a minimum of $5,000. The current law requires that the match be in money, but SB 148 would allow in-kind service which recognizes the efforts of volunteer services. This would stabilize many of the small libraries. Mr. Smith acknowledged that a few libraries at the lower end who have never contributed locally will have to decide whether to contribute or close. Based on libraries' annual reports, between five and ten libraries will face a difficult question regarding whether to provide local effort. On the other hand, 15-20 libraries will fair better because of the in- kind service. Under SB 148 if there is ever more money for this program, any amount available above $7,000 per library would be distributed on a per capita basis. Mr. Smith pointed out that Section 7 sunsets two public library construction grant programs which no longer exist. Mr. Smith noted that the state library has been giving public library grants, interlibrary cooperation grants, and regional services grants. The regional services grants never appeared in law, although those grants have been functioning since the 1970s. Sections 1 and 2 clarify that situation by recognizing regional services grants which provides books by mail service. Number 391 SENATOR LEMAN referred to page 2, line 6 when asking if that language would prevent libraries from charging shipping fees. GEORGE SMITH said that the language would not prevent the charge of transportation fees. Across the country, a sizable interlibrary loan fee has evolved and in addition there is a shipping cost. SB 148 would merely eliminate the interlibrary loan fee and charge only the shipping fee which all libraries in Alaska have done for many years. SENATOR LEMAN asked if there was a standard methodology regarding how in-kind services are valued. GEORGE SMITH said that this would need to be addressed in regulation. Mr. Smith believed that in- kind service should be valued slightly under the level of a city clerk in that particular region, but not less than $10 per hour. SENATOR LEMAN suggested that Mr. Smith consider a minimal cash contribution from the community in order to help establish the community's ownership of the library. Senator Leman referred to page 4, line 3 which refers to the items the library would provide free of charge. Senator Leman assumed that the library could charge fees for fines, copying, etc. GEORGE SMITH said that there is no charge for a resident of the community to check out a book. Mr. Smith noted that libraries with a data base service would be allowed to charge a fee. Number 459 MOE MCGEE , Director of Anchorage Municipal Libraries, supported SB 148. Ms. McGee discussed the meetings that took place between various library directors with state library staff in order to draft public library law for Alaska. This process resulted in a closeness between the directors which will benefit future endeavors. From the Anchorage perspective, Ms. McGee was pleased with the per capita provisions beyond the basic grant. Ms. McGee appreciated the support of the state library in this process. GREG HILL , Fairbanks North Star Borough Library, informed the committee of a report from the National Center for Education Statistics which reports that 44 percent of all U.S. households used a public library last month. The report also found that 65 percent of all U.S. households used a public library in the last year. Alaska ranks even higher; 56 percent of Alaskans used a public library last month and 76 percent of Alaskans used a public library last year. Mr. Hill believed it time for legislation to define public libraries to be used to lay the foundation for the future. SB 148 requires local commitment and provides an incentive with the recognition of in-kind service. Mr. Hill urged the passage of SB 148. PAUL BLAIR , testifying from Glennallen, informed the committee that the Glennallen library was in an unincorporated borough with a minimum of $5,000 grant. Mr. Blair said that either way, the Glennallen library would be hurt. Mr. Blair referred to the language in Section 2, subsection (b) stating " Only one library in a city or unincorporated community is eligible for a public library assistance grant during a fiscal year. " Does that language apply to an unincorporated borough with nine libraries or does that not apply to an unincorporated borough? GEORGE SMITH explained that there could be any number of recognized libraries within an unincorporated borough, the language only refers to within one community as defined by Community & Regional Affairs. If Community & Regional Affairs recognizes a community as eligible for state grants, SB 148 would as well. PAUL BLAIR indicated the need for more specific language on that matter. GEORGE SMITH pointed out that the Community & Regional Affairs law specifies that each viable community is separate and eligible, although that is not mentioned in SB 148. Number 527 PAUL BLAIR believed that the specified range of $5,000 to $7,000 for matching grants would hurt the small libraries such as in Glennallen. Mr. Blair cited a case in Glennallen in which there was a small in-kind base to draw from as well as greater utility expenses; that would create difficulties matching grants greater than $7,000. Mr. Blair suggested that the low end of the range be lowered and the high end be raised so as to consider the smaller libraries. GEORGE SMITH noted that Glennallen is one of the more stable smaller libraries which has had the maximum matching amount for years. SB 148 could actually help Glennallen, especially with the in-kind matching allowed. Mr. Smith agreed that a maximum of more than $7,000 would be nice, but the reality is that there is a limited amount of money available. PAUL BLAIR said that he was in favor of the general content of SB 148. JOYCE JENKINS , Director of the Petersburg Library, echoed the comments regarding the time spent on this legislation. The increased accountability for libraries through the definition are important and need to be in law. Ms. Jenkins commented that the greatest difficulty was balancing the needs of the small and large libraries which SB 148 achieves. Ms. Jenkins encouraged the committee's support of SB 148. SENATOR WARD moved to report SB 148 out of committee with individual recommendations and accompanying fiscal notes. Without objection, it was so ordered. CHAIRMAN WILKEN asked if there was anything else to come before the committee. SENATOR ELLIS inquired as to the progress of the sex offender registration bill. CHAIRMAN WILKEN said that he would work on that. There being no further business before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m.