SB 84 ASSETS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA  Number 001 CHAIRMAN WILKEN called the Senate Health, Education & Social Services Committee (HES) to order at 9:03 a.m. and introduced SB 84 as the first order of business before the committee. He noted that testimony previously requested by Senator Ward on SB 36 was in the packet. Chairman Wilken passed out a synopsis from the Governor's office who has requested the committee sponsor some legislation. Any comments from the committee would be appreciated. Chairman Wilken passed the gavel to Vice Chairman Leman in order to present the sponsor statement to the committee. SENATOR WILKEN informed the committee that this legislation was introduced by request of the University of Alaska system. He specified that SB 84 was not the lands bill with which many are familiar. SB 84 is a component of the lands bill. Chairman Wilken read the following Sponsor Statement: Congressional acts of 1915 and 1929 granted the Territory of Alaska approximately 113,000 acres of land. The grants were for the exclusive use and benefit of the Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines, and its successor, the University of Alaska. All earnings from the sale, lease, or use of these lands have been deposited into a trust fund established under AS 14.40.400. As of June 30, 1996, the fund has grown to approximately $32.6 million. Senate Bill 84 transfers management of these funds from the Department of Revenue to the Board of Regents. The University will be able to coordinate management of the investments of these funds with management of its other endowments. This will substantially lower the cost of administration. The transfer will also maximize the fund's earnings potential and permit greater investment diversification. SB 84 provides a technically sound transfer of control of an endowment fund from the Department of Revenue to the University of Alaska. The University has demonstrated a sound investment history in relation to the University of Alaska Foundation endowment funds. This same expertise will be extended to the Natural Resource Endowment. VICE CHAIRMAN LEMAN asked if there were questions or comments. Hearing none, he passed the gavel back to Senator Wilken. CHAIRMAN WILKEN noted that Jim Lynch, the Associate Vice President of Finance, was on line, and Wendy Redman and Anne Ringstaad were present representing the University of Alaska system. SENATOR GREEN inquired as to the specifics of the projects listed on page 42 in the committee packet. WENDY REDMAN , Vice President of the Statewide University System, explained that the specific information is provided each year in the report to the Legislature which would be done in about a week. CHAIRMAN WILKEN inquired as to the will of the committee. SENATOR LEMAN moved to report SB 84 out of committee with individual recommendations and accompanying fiscal notes. Without objection, it was so ordered.